彭婷1,2,3,梁丽军4,曾哲灵1,2,5,李美娜1,2,6,鄢祥辉1,2,6,夏佳恒1,2,5, 余平1,2,5,万冬满1,2,3,文学方7,8.樟树籽仁油的90 d亚慢性经口毒性评价[J].中国油脂,2024,49(7):.[PENG Ting1,2,3, LIANG Lijun4, ZENG Zheling1,2,5, LI Meina1,2,6, YAN Xianghui1,2,6, XIA Jiaheng1,2,5, YU Ping1,2,5, WAN Dongman1,2,3, WEN Xuefang7,8.Evaluation of 90-day subchronic oral toxicity of Cinnamomum camphora seed kernel oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2024,49(7):.]
樟树籽仁油的90 d亚慢性经口毒性评价
Evaluation of 90-day subchronic oral toxicity of Cinnamomum camphora seed kernel oil
中文关键词:  樟树籽仁油  毒理学  90 d亚慢性经口毒性  食用安全性
英文关键词:Cinnamomum camphora seed kernel oil  toxicology  90-day subchronic oral toxicity  edible safety
彭婷1,2,3,梁丽军4,曾哲灵1,2,5,李美娜1,2,6,鄢祥辉1,2,6,夏佳恒1,2,5, 余平1,2,5,万冬满1,2,3,文学方7,8 (1.南昌大学 食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室南昌 330047 2.江西省药食同源植物资源高值化利用重点实验室 南昌 330031 3.南昌大学 食品学院南昌 330031 4.谱赛科(江西)生物技术有限公司 江西 赣州 341108 5.南昌大学 化学化工学院南昌 330031 6.南昌大学 资源与环境学院南昌 330031 7.江西省科学院 应用化学研究所南昌 330096 8.中国中医科学院中医药健康产业研究所南昌 330115) 
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      为评价樟树籽仁油的食用安全性,以4.0、2.0、1.0、0.0 mL/kg剂量的樟树籽仁油对4组SPF级SD大鼠(20只/组、雌雄各半)连续灌胃90 d,研究樟树籽仁油的亚慢性经口毒性,探明其剂量-反应关系,毒作用靶器官和可逆性。结果表明:90 d经口毒性试验期间,大鼠的活动和生长均正常;除高剂量组雌、雄性大鼠的血糖显著低于对照组外(p<0.05),各剂量组雌、雄性大鼠的体质量及其增量、进食量及食物利用率、脏体比、血常规、血生化、血电解质和尿液等指标与对照组均无显著性差异(p>0.05);病理检查未见樟树籽仁油对大鼠的作用靶器官产生有意义的病理变化。综上,樟树籽仁油对大鼠生长和生理的影响无剂量-反应关系,对大鼠的作用靶器官无毒害作用且无剂量-反应关系,樟树籽仁油无亚慢性经口毒性,其未观察到毒效应的剂量(NOAEL)大于4.0 mL/kg,食用安全性高。
      In order to evaluate the edible safety of Cinnamomum camphora seed kernel oil (CCSKO), four groups of specific pathogen-free (SPF) Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (20 rats/group, half male and half female) were given CCSKO at doses of 4.0, 2.0, 1.0 mL/kg and 0.0 mL/kg for 90 d by gavage. The subchronic oral toxicity of CCSKO was studied, and its dose-response relationship, toxic target organs and reversibility were explored. The results showed that during the 90-day oral toxicity test, the activity and growth of the rats were normal. There were no significant differences in body weight, weight gain, food intake, food utilization rate, visceral-body ratio, blood routine, blood biochemistry, blood electrolytes and urine between the dose groups and control group(p>0.05), except that the blood glucose of the female and male rats in the high dose group was significantly lower than that in the control group (p<0.05). No significant pathological changes were found in the target organs of CCSKO. In conclusion, CCSKO has no dose-response relationship on the growth and physiology of rats, has no toxic effect on the target organs of rats, and has no dose-response relationship. CCSKO has no subchronic oral toxicity, and its no observed adverse effect level(NOAEL)is higher than 4.0 mL/kg, and it has high safety for consumption.
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