谭韩英,陈振林,杨军君,等.超临界CO2萃取红瓜子仁油工艺及其脂肪酸组成分析[J].中国油脂,2017,42(11):.[TAN Hanying, CHEN Zhenlin, YANG Junjun,etc.Supercritical CO2 extraction process of red melon seed oil and its fatty acid composition[J].China Oils and Fats,2017,42(11):.]
Supercritical CO2 extraction process of red melon seed oil and its fatty acid composition
中文关键词:  红瓜子仁油  超临界CO2萃取  工艺  脂肪酸
英文关键词:red melon seed oil  supercritical CO2 extraction  process  fatty acid
摘要点击次数: 839
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      以红瓜子为原料、红瓜子仁油萃取率为指标,采用单因素试验和正交试验进行红瓜子仁油萃取工艺优化,并对获得的红瓜子仁油进行了脂肪酸组成分析。结果表明,超临界CO2萃取红瓜子仁油最佳工艺条件为:红瓜子仁粒径40目,萃取压力40 MPa,CO2流量24 L/h,萃取温度50℃,萃取时间3.5 h。在最佳工艺条件下,红瓜子仁油萃取率为99.27%。红瓜子仁油不饱和脂肪酸主要为亚油酸(62.1%)、油酸(16.3%),不饱和脂肪酸含量达到79%,可作为一种优质植物油进行开发利用。
      Using red melon seeds as raw material and extraction rate of red melon seed oil as index, the extraction technology of red melon seed oil was optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, and the fatty acid composition of red melon seed oil was analyzed. The results showed that the optimal extraction process of red melon seed oil by supercritical CO2 were obtained as follows: particle size of red melon seed kernel 40 meshes, extraction pressure 40 MPa, flow rate of CO2 24 L/h, extraction temperature 50℃, extraction time 3.5 h. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of red melon seed oil was 99.27%. The unsaturated fatty acids content of red melon seed oil reached 79%, mainly including linoleic acid (62.1%) and oleic acid (16.3%) and it could be used as a kind of high quality vegetable oil for development and utilization.
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