高锦鸿.响应面优化芝麻粕中芝麻素酚三糖苷的提取工艺[J].中国油脂,2020,45(7):82~86.[GAO Jinhong.Optimization of extraction process of sesaminol triglucosides from sesame meal by response surface methodology[J].China Oils and Fats,2020,45(7):82~86.]
Optimization of extraction process of sesaminol triglucosides from sesame meal by response surface methodology
中文关键词:  超声波提取  芝麻粕  芝麻素酚三糖苷  响应面
英文关键词:ultrasound extraction  sesame meal  sesaminol triglucosides  response surface methodology
高锦鸿 1.河南省农科院 农副产品加工研究所郑州 450002 
摘要点击次数: 978
全文下载次数: 380
      以芝麻粕为原料,利用超声波辅助提取芝麻素酚三糖苷。在单因素试验的基础上,以芝麻素酚三糖苷得率为响应值,通过响应面法对芝麻粕中芝麻素酚三糖苷的提取条件进行优化。结果表明:芝麻素酚三糖苷最优提取条件为超声功率1 220 W、提取液pH 7.7、磁力搅拌转速430 r/min、超声波作用方式为连续,此条件下芝麻素酚三糖苷得率为(4.31±0.03)mg/g。
      With sesame meal as raw material, ultrasound was used to extract sasaminol triglucosides. Based on singe factor experiment,the extraction conditions of sesaminol triglucosides in sesame meal were optimized by response surface methodology using the yield of sesamenol triglucosides as response value. The results showed that the optimal extraction conditions of sesaminol triglucosides were obtained as follows: ultrasonic power 1 220 W, continuous ultrasound wave, extraction solution pH 7.7, magnetic stirring speed 430 r/min. Under these conditions,the yield of sesaminol triglucosides was(4.31±0.03)mg/g.
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