黄雅祺.复配阿魏酸酰基抗氧化剂在煎炸过程中抗氧化能力的评估[J].中国油脂,2021,46(4):76~79.[HUANG Yaqi.Evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of compound ferulic acyl antioxidants during frying[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(4):76~79.]
Evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of compound ferulic acyl antioxidants during frying
中文关键词:  阿魏酸苯乙酰胺  阿魏酸酪酰胺  抗氧化剂  复配
英文关键词:feruloylphenethylamine  feruloyltyramine  antioxidant  compound
黄雅祺 江南大学 食品学院食品科学与技术国家重点实验室食品安全与质量控制协同创新中心江苏 无锡 214122 
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      向大豆油中添加不同量的阿魏酸酰胺类物质(阿魏酸苯乙酰胺、阿魏酸酪酰胺)与不同抗氧化剂(抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯、茶多酚棕榈酸酯、谷维素、迷迭香提取物、混合生育酚)的二元复配抗氧化剂,测定大豆油在不同煎炸时间下极性物质含量,以考察复配阿魏酸酰基抗氧化剂在煎炸过程中的抗氧化能力。结果表明:阿魏酸酪酰胺与茶多酚棕榈酸酯组成的复配抗氧化剂的抗氧化效果优于其他几种复配抗氧化剂,在二者的添加量各为250 mg/kg时,煎炸120 min内所得煎炸大豆油中极性物质含量最低,表现出最佳的抗氧化性能。研究结果为研究阿魏酸酰胺类物质的抗氧化机理及加快其工业化应用提供了重要依据。
      The binary with different compound antioxidants and dosages of ferulic acid amides(feruloylphenethylamine(FRP)and feruloyltyramine(FTP))and different antioxidants(ascorbyl palmitate,tea polyphenol palmitate, oryzanol,rosemary extract and tocopherol) were added to soybean oil with different dosages, the content of polar substances in soybean oil at different frying time were determined to study the antioxidant capacity of compound ferulic acyl antioxidants during frying. The results showed that the FTP and tea polyphenol palmitate compound antioxidant had better antioxidant effect than other compound antioxidants, and when the dosages of FTP and tea polyphenol palmitate both were 250 mg/kg, the content of polar substances in fried soybean oil for frying 120 min was the lowest, showing the best antioxidant performance.It provided an important basis for studying the antioxidant mechanism of ferulic acid amides and accelerating their industrial application.
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