赵元元.煎炸油中反式脂肪酸和极性化合物检测方法及防控措施研究进展[J].中国油脂,2021,46(4):84~91.[ZHAO Yuanyuan.Progress in detection methods and prevention and control measures oftrans fatty acids and total polar compounds in frying oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(4):84~91.]
Progress in detection methods and prevention and control measures oftrans fatty acids and total polar compounds in frying oil
中文关键词:  煎炸油  反式脂肪酸  极性化合物  分析检测方法  防控措施  危害
英文关键词:frying oil  trans fatty acid  total polar compound  analysis and detection method  prevention and control measure  hazard
赵元元 华中农业大学 食品科学技术学院武汉 430070 
摘要点击次数: 1275
全文下载次数: 429
      Oil will produce trans fatty acids (TFA) and total polar compounds (TPC) and other harmful ingredients during frying, and they will accumulate in the body after long-term ingestion, affecting the growth and development of infants and young children, and causing heart disease, thrombosis, type 2 diabetes, cancer etc. The analysis and detection methods, hazards and prevention and control measures of TFA and TPC in frying oil were reviewed so as to find rapid and effective analysis and detection methods, and reduce their content through corresponding measures, such as choosing the appropriate frying temperature, shortening the frying time, reducing repeated frying times, choosing frying oil with higher saturation and lower hydrogenation, choosing suitable fried foods, and adding appropriate types and concentrations of antioxidants, etc.
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