杨朝慧.2015—2020年我国食用植物油质量安全风险因素分析[J].中国油脂,2021,46(12):69~78.[YANG Zhaohui.Quality and safety risk factors of edible vegetable oil in China from 2015 to 2020[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(12):69~78.]
Quality and safety risk factors of edible vegetable oil in China from 2015 to 2020
中文关键词:  食用植物油  质量安全  监督抽查  不合格数据  风险因素
英文关键词:edible vegetable oil  quality and safety  supervisory spot checks  unqualified data  risk factor
杨朝慧 .南方医科大学 公共卫生学院食物安全与健康研究中心广东省热带病研究重点实验室广州 510515
摘要点击次数: 1445
全文下载次数: 379
      保障食用油质量安全一直是我国食品安全监管工作的重点和难点。基于2015—2020年2 701 份我国食用植物油抽检不合格数据,运用内容分析法对不合格植物油的品种、包装规格、产地和产业链主体特征进行了初步分析,对植物油不合格的原因进行了探讨。结果表明:过氧化值和酸值超标、苯并(a)芘超标、黄曲霉毒素B1超标、溶剂残留量超标、非法添加乙基麦芽酚和脂肪酸组成不合格是导致我国食用植物油质量安全问题的主要风险因素。运用交叉分析法和方差分析法分别识别了食用植物油质量安全风险因素在不同植物油品种、包装规格、产地和产业链主体中检出频率和检测值的差异,旨在为采取更具针对性的监管措施应对食用植物油质量安全风险,进而提高食用植物油质量安全水平提供借鉴。
      Ensuring the quality and safety of edible oil has always been the focus and difficulty of food safety supervision work in China. Based on 2 701 unqualified samples of edible vegetable oil sampling inspection in China from 2015 to 2020, a preliminary analysis of oil types, packaging specifications, origins and industrial chain entities characteristics of unqualified vegetable oil was conducted by content analysis method, and the causes for unqualified vegetable oil were discussed. The results showed that the excessive peroxide value and acid value, the excessive benzo (a) pyrene, the excessive aflatoxin B1, the excessive solvent residue, illegal addition of ethyl maltol, and unqualified fatty acid composition were the main risk factors leading to quality and safety problems of edible vegetable oil in China. Moreover, the cross-analysis method and analysis of variance were used to identify the differences in the frequency of detection and detection values of edible vegetable oil quality and safety risk factors among different oil types, packaging specifications, origins and different industrial chain entities respectively, so as to provide reference for taking more targeted regulatory measures to deal with the quality and safety risk of edible vegetable oil and improving the quality and safety level of edible vegetable oil.
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