罗鑫1,高盼1,2,3,王澍3,4,宁程茜1,钟武1,2,3,胡传荣1,2,何东平1,2,3.棉籽多肽的制备工艺优化及功能特性[J].中国油脂,2023,48(5):.[LUO Xin1, GAO Pan1,2,3, WANG Shu3,4, NING Chengxi1, ZHONG Wu1,2,3, HU Chuanrong1,2, HE Dongping1,2,3.Preparation process optimization and functional characteristics of cottonseed polypeptide[J].China Oils and Fats,2023,48(5):.]
Preparation process optimization and functional characteristics of cottonseed polypeptide
中文关键词:  棉籽蛋白  水解  多肽  功能特性
英文关键词:cottonseed protein  hydrolysis  polypeptide  functional characteristics
罗鑫1,高盼1,2,3,王澍3,4,宁程茜1,钟武1,2,3,胡传荣1,2,何东平1,2,3 1.武汉轻工大学 食品科学与工程学院武汉430023 2.大宗粮油精深加工教育部重点实验室武汉 430023 3.国家市场监管重点实验室(食用油质量与安全)武汉430012 4.武汉食品化妆品检验所武汉430012 
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全文下载次数: 1019
      为有效利用棉籽这一优质蛋白质资源, 以棉籽蛋白水解度(DH)和水解液感官(色泽,气、滋味)为评价指标,对蛋白酶进行选择,再以棉籽蛋白DH为指标,利用单因素实验及响应面实验对复合蛋白酶水解棉籽蛋白制备棉籽多肽的工艺条件进行优化,并研究了棉籽多肽的氨基酸组成及功能特性。结果表明:选择碱性蛋白酶和风味蛋白酶按质量比2∶ 1构成复合蛋白酶;最优工艺条件为水解pH 10、水解温度60 ℃、加酶量6 000 U/g、水解时间90 min,在此条件下棉籽蛋白DH为2935%;棉籽多肽中有7种必需氨基酸,必需氨基酸总含量达到12.50 mg/100 mg,占氨基酸总量的26.25%;与棉籽蛋白相比,棉籽多肽的吸湿性有较大提升;在20 ℃时棉籽多肽的吸油性较好;在弱碱性时棉籽多肽的乳化性与乳化稳定性较好;棉籽蛋白DH与棉籽多肽的起泡性呈正相关,与泡沫稳定性呈负相关。采用该工艺制备的棉籽多肽氨基酸含量丰富,具有良好的功能特性。
      In order to effectively utilize cottonseed as a high-quality protein resource, the hydrolysis degree of cottonseed protein and hydrolysate sensory (color, aroma and taste) was used as indexes, and the protease was selected. With the hydrolysis degree of cottonseed protein as the evaluation index, the processing conditions of preparation of cottonseed polypeptide from cottonseed protein hydrolyzed by composite protease were optimized by single factor experiment and response surface experiment, and the amino acid composition and functional characteristics of cottonseed polypeptide were studied. The results showed that a composite protease was formed by selecting alkaline protease and flavour protease in the mass ratio of 2∶ 1. The optimal process conditions were obtained as follows: hydrolysis pH 10, hydrolysis temperature 60 ℃, enzyme dosage 6 000 U/g, and hydrolysis time 90 min. Under these conditions, the hydrolysis degree of cottonseed protein was 29.35%. The cottonseed polypeptide contained seven essential amino acids, and the total content of essential amino acids was 12.5 mg/100 mg, accounting for 26.25% of the total amino acids. Compared with cottenseed protein, the hygroscopicity of cottenseed polypeptide was greatly improved. The cottonseed polypeptide had good oil absorption at 20 ℃. At weak alkalinity, cottonseed polypeptide had good emulsification ability and emulsification stability, and the hydrolysis degree of cottonseed protein was positively correlated with foaming ability of cottonseed polypeptide and negatively correlated with foam stability. The cottonseed polypetide prepared by this process is rich in amino acid and has good functional characteristics.
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