李伶俐1,滕金玲1,姜建国1,宋玉义2,刘晓倩1,卢本朋1.充氮气调储存对大豆及其油脂品质的影响[J].中国油脂,2025,50(2):.[LI Lingli1, TENG Jinling1, JIANG Jianguo1, SONG Yuyi2, LIU Xiaoqian1, LU Benpeng1.Effects of nitrogen gas conditioning storage on the quality of soybean and its oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(2):.]
Effects of nitrogen gas conditioning storage on the quality of soybean and its oil
中文关键词:  氮气气调  大豆  大豆油  热损伤粒率  酸值  维生素E
英文关键词:nitrogen gas conditioning  soybean  soybean oil  heat-damaged kernel rate  acid value  vitamin E
李伶俐1,滕金玲1,姜建国1,宋玉义2,刘晓倩1,卢本朋1 1.中纺粮油(日照)有限公司山东 日照 276826 2.费县中粮油脂工业有限公司山东 临沂 273400 
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      旨在为充氮气调储存大豆技术的实施和推广提供依据,以不充氮气调储存为对照,研究了45 ℃条件下,不同充氮体积分数(98%、88%)下气调储存对不同国别大豆热损伤粒率及以其为原料提取的大豆油酸值、维生素E含量的影响。结果表明:充氮体积分数为98%及88%下气调储存120 d大豆热损伤粒率增长幅度及储存30 d提取的大豆油酸值增量、维生素E含量损失量均低于不充氮气调储存的,但充氮体积分数98%和88%下气调储存对大豆热损伤粒率及其油脂酸值、维生素E含量影响相差不大;另外,相同充氮气调储存条件下,巴西大豆及其油脂的品质低于美国大豆和乌拉圭大豆的。综上,充氮气调储存可在一定程度上延缓大豆热损伤粒率及提取的大豆油酸值的增加和大豆油中维生素E流失。
      Aiming to provide a basis for the implementation and promotion of the nitrogen gas conditioning storage technology for soybean, using non-nitrogen gas conditioning storage as a control, the effects of conditioning storage with different nitrogen gas volume fractions (98%, 88%) at 45 ℃ on the heat-damaged kernel rate of soybean from different countries and acid value and vitamin E content of soybean oil extracted from them were investigated. The results indicated that the increase in the heat-damaged kernel rate of soybean after 120 d conditioning storage with 98% and 88% nitrogen gas volume fractions,and the increase of acid value and the loss of vitamin E content in soybean oil extracted from soybean after 30 d of nitrogen gas conditioning storage were all lower than those in non-nitrogen gas conditioning storage. However, there was little difference in the impact on the heat-damaged kernel rate of soybean and the acid value and vitamin E content in soybean oil between the 98% and 88% nitrogen volume fraction conditions. Additionally, under the same nitrogen gas conditioning storage conditions, the quality of Brazilian soybean and its oil was lower than that of American soybean and Uruguayan soybean. In conclusion, nitrogen gas conditioning storage can delay the increase in the heat-damaged kernel rate of soybean and the acid value of the extracted soybean oil, as well as the loss of vitamin E to some extent.
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