陈广琦1,贾敏2,宗爱珍2,徐同成2,苗颖1.磷脂型DHA制备、检测及功能特性研究进展[J].中国油脂,2025,50(2):.[CHEN Guangqi1, JIA Min2, ZONG Aizhen2, XU Tongcheng2, MIAO Ying1.Preparation, detection and functional characteristics of DHA-phospholipid[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(2):.]
Preparation, detection and functional characteristics of DHA-phospholipid
中文关键词:  磷脂型DHA  制备  检测  功能特性
英文关键词:DHA-phospholipid  preparation  detection  functional characteristics
陈广琦1,贾敏2,宗爱珍2,徐同成2,苗颖1 1.天津农学院 食品科学与生物工程学院天津 300392 2.山东省农业科学院 农产品加工与营养研究所/ 山东省特殊医学用途配方食品工程技术研究中心/山东省农产品精深加工技术重点实验室/ 农业农村部新食品资源加工重点实验室济南 250100 
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      DHA-phospholipid (DHA-PL) has attracted much attention in recent years because of its high absorption rate of DHA. Aiming to provide reference for the application of DHA-PL in functional lipid products, the enzymatic preparation method, detection method and functional characteristics of DHA-PL were summarized. Enzymatic preparation of DHA-PL had the advantages of mild conditions and high safety, and mainly divided into enzyme catalytic acid hydrolysis method, enzyme catalytic transesterification method and enzyme catalytic esterification method. The methods for detecting DHA-PL include thin layer chromatography-gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, etc. DHA-PL has the functions of anticancer, improving lipid metabolism, anti-inflammatory and enhancing neurotrophic activity. Optimization of the preparation process and improvement of detection methods for DHA-PL is of great significance for the application of DHA-PL in industries such as food and pharmaceuticals.
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