匡曾敏1,2,张喻1,李昌珠2,3,4,肖静晶2,3,4,肖志红2,3,4,5, 李培旺2,3,4,聂素丽2,晁燕2.光皮梾木油的水解工艺优化与动力学模拟[J].中国油脂,2025,50(2):.[KUANG Zengmin1,2, ZHANG Yu1, LI Changzhu2,3,4, XIAO Jingjing2,3,4, XIAO Zhihong2,3,4,5, LI Peiwang2,3,4, NIE Suli2, CHAO Yan2.Optimization and kinetics modeling of the hydrolysis process of Swida wilsoniana oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(2):.]
Optimization and kinetics modeling of the hydrolysis process of Swida wilsoniana oil
中文关键词:  光皮梾木油  脂肪酶  脂肪酸  动力学模拟
英文关键词:Swida wilsoniana oil  lipase  fatty acid  kinetics modeling
匡曾敏1,2,张喻1,李昌珠2,3,4,肖静晶2,3,4,肖志红2,3,4,5, 李培旺2,3,4,聂素丽2,晁燕2 1.湖南农业大学 食品科学技术学院长沙 410128 2.湖南省林业科学院 省部共建木本油料资源利用国家重点实验室 长沙410004 3.油脂分子构效湖南省重点实验室长沙 410004 4.南方木本油料利用科学国家林草局重点实验室 长沙 410004 5.湖南农业大学 长沙现代食品创新研究院长沙 410128 
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      旨在为酶催化光皮梾木油水解制备脂肪酸提供参考,以光皮梾木油为底物,分别以固定化脂肪酶 Lipozyme RMIM、Lipozyme TLIM、Novozym 435和游离脂肪酶F1为催化剂,考察脂肪酶种类、反应时间、反应温度、加水量、酶添加量对光皮梾木油水解率的影响,并进行水解动力学分析。结果表明:酶催化光皮梾木油水解最优条件为加水量(以水油底物质量计)60%、Lipozyme RMIM添加量(以水油底物质量计)5%、反应温度60 ℃、反应时间24 h,在此条件下光皮梾木油水解率可达到98.08%;动力学拟合结果表明以Lipozyme RMIM作为催化剂在最优条件下对光皮梾木油进行水解时,米氏常数(Km)为0.108 4 mL/g,最大反应速率(νm)为0.381 4 mg/(g·mL·h)。综上,脂肪酶Lipozyme RMIM可以高效催化光皮梾木油水解。
      In order to provide reference for enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of Swida wilsoniana oil to prepare fatty acids, immobilized lipases Lipozyme RMIM, Lipozyme TLIM, Novozym 435 and free lipase F1 were used as catalysts,the Swida wilsoniana oil was used as substrate, the effects of lipase type, reaction time, reaction temperature, water dosage and enzyme dosage on the hydrolysis rate of Swida wilsoniana oil were investigated. In addition, the hydrolysis kinetics of Swida wilsoniana oil was analyzed. The results showed that the optimal conditions for enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of Swida wilsoniana oil were 60% water (based on the mass of water-oil substrate), 5% Lipozyme RMIM (based on the mass of water-oil substrate), reaction temperature 60 ℃ and reaction time 24 h. Under these conditions, the hydrolysis rate of Swida wilsoniana oil could reach 98.08%. The kinetics fitting results showed that the Mi constant (Km) was 0.108 4 mL/g and the maximum reaction rate (νm) was 0.381 4 mg/(g·mL·h) when Lipozyme RMIM was used as catalyst for hydrolysis of Swida wilsoniana oil under optimal conditions. In conclusion, lipase Lipozyme RMIM can efficiently catalyze the hydrolysis of Swida wilsoniana oil.
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