徐影影1,2,苗永军3,赵文革4,杜建4,郑畅1,刘昌盛1,陈洪建5,邓乾春1.核桃油加工及抗氧化技术研究进展[J].中国油脂,2025,50(3):.[XU Yingying1,2 , MIAO Yongjun3, ZHAO Wenge4, DU Jian4, ZHENG Chang1, LIU Changsheng1, CHEN Hongjian5, DENG Qianchun1.Research progress on walnut oil processing and antioxidant technology[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(3):.]
Research progress on walnut oil processing and antioxidant technology
KeyWord:walnut oil  pretreatment  extraction  refining  oxidative stability
Author NameAffiliation
XU Yingying1,2 , MIAO Yongjun3, ZHAO Wenge4, DU Jian4, ZHENG Chang1, LIU Changsheng1, CHEN Hongjian5, DENG Qianchun1 1.Institute of Oil Crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430062,China
2.College of Food Science and Engineering,Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023,China
3.Hunan Yamei Tea Oil Co. , Ltd. , Zhuzhou 412300,Hunan, China
4.Aksu Zhejiang Fruit Industry Co. , Ltd. , Aksu 843000, Xinjiang,China
5.School of Health Science and Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062,China 
摘要点击次数: 83
全文下载次数: 60
      Walnut oil is rich in nutrients, containing unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of beneficial trace nutrients for the human body. However, walnut oil has poor stability and is prone to oxidative rancidity during processing, which greatly affects the quality and safety of walnut oil products and constrains the development of the walnut oil industry. To improve the quality of walnut oil and extend its shelf life,the research progress in recent years on the impact of walnut oil processing technologies on its oxidative stability and the development of antioxidant technologies for walnut oil were reviewed. Walnut oil processing technologies mainly include pretreatment, extraction and refining. Appropriate processing technologies are beneficial for enhancing the quality of walnut oil, retaining trace nutrients, and improving oxidative stability. In terms of antioxidation, methods such as adding antioxidants, preparing blended oils, and forming microcapsules and oleogels can be used to delay the oxidative rancidity of walnut oil.There is still a need to explore suitable processing and antioxidant technologies to extend the shelf life of walnut oil in the future.
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