何雪梅1,黄晨昕1,李红丽1,陈文杰2,李琪1,于修烛1.大豆油在3种传统米面食品煎炸过程中的品质变化[J].中国油脂,2025,50(3):.[HE Xuemei1, HUANG Chenxin1, LI Hongli1,CHEN Wenjie2, LI Qi1, YU Xiuzhu1.Quality changes of soybean oil during frying of three traditional rice and flour foods[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(3):.]
Quality changes of soybean oil during frying of three traditional rice and flour foods
中文关键词:  大豆油  煎炸  米面食品  品质变化
英文关键词:soybean oil  frying  rice and flour foods  quality change
何雪梅1,黄晨昕1,李红丽1,陈文杰2,李琪1,于修烛1 1.陕西省“四主体一联合”功能性油脂工程技术校企联合研究中心西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.陕西省杂交油菜研究中心陕西 杨凌 715100 
Author NameAffiliation
HE Xuemei1, HUANG Chenxin1, LI Hongli1,CHEN Wenjie2, LI Qi1, YU Xiuzhu1 1.Shaanxi Union Research Center of University and Enterprise for Functional Oil Engineering Technology, College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China 2.Hybrid Rapeseed Research Center of Shaanxi Province, Yangling 715100, Shaanxi, China 
摘要点击次数: 89
全文下载次数: 60
      旨在为不同传统米面食品煎炸加工提供参考,以大豆油为煎炸油,糯米糍粑、小麦油糕和黄米年糕为煎炸食材,探究煎炸过程中大豆油酸值、过氧化值、p-茴香胺值、全氧化值、极性化合物含量和脂肪酸组成的变化情况。结果表明:由于不同煎炸食材的水分、脂肪及抗氧化物质等的含量和组成存在差异,煎炸糯米糍粑的大豆油酸值显著低于煎炸其他两种食材大豆油的(p<0.05);在煎炸过程中,各体系过氧化值呈上下波动趋势;在煎炸2~24 h时,煎炸3种食材大豆油的p-茴香胺值大小顺序为煎炸糯米糍粑大豆油>煎炸小麦油糕大豆油>煎炸黄米年糕大豆油;全氧化值的变化趋势与p-茴香胺值基本一致;煎炸糯米糍粑、小麦油糕和黄米年糕大豆油的极性化合物含量分别在煎炸20、18、18 h时已超过国标限量(≤27%),其中煎炸黄米年糕大豆油极性化合物含量增加幅度最大;在煎炸24 h时,煎炸3种食材大豆油的反式脂肪酸含量大小顺序为煎炸黄米年糕大豆油>煎炸小麦油糕大豆油>煎炸糯米糍粑大豆油,且存在显著差异(p<0.05)。综上,由糯米、小麦和黄米制作的传统米面食品会对煎炸油的品质产生不同影响,在煎炸期间应以食材对煎炸油品质的具体影响为依据做出生产调整。
      Aiming to provide a reference for the frying processing of different traditional rice and flour foods, soybean oil was used as the frying oil, and glutinous rice cake, wheat oil cake and yellow rice cake as the frying ingredients to investigate the changes in the acid value, peroxide value, p-anisidine value, total oxidation value, polar compounds content and fatty acid composition of the soybean oil during frying. The results showed that due to the differences in the contents and compositions of moisture, fat and antioxidants of different fried ingredients, the acid value of soybean oil frying glutinous rice cake was significantly lower than that of soybean oils frying the other two ingredients (p<0.05). During the frying process, the peroxide value of each system showed an up-and-down trend; in the 2-24 h of frying, the p-anisidine value of soybean oil frying glutinous rice cake was the highest, followed by that frying wheat oil cake and yellow rice cake; the trend of the total oxidation value was basically the same as that of the p-anisidine value. The content of polar compounds in soybean oil of the three groups of glutinous rice cake, wheat oil cake and yellow rice cake exceeded national standard limit (≤27%) at 20, 18 h and 18 h, respectively, and the content of polar compounds in soybean oil frying yellow rice cake increased the most. The trans fatty acid content in soybean oil frying yellow rice cake was the highest, followed by that frying wheat oil cake and frying glutinous rice cake, which showed significant differences(p<0.05). In conclusion, traditional rice and flour foods made from glutinous rice, wheat and yellow rice have different effects on the quality of frying oil, and production adjustments should be made based on the specific effects of ingredients on the quality of oil during frying.
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