刘兰,周培华,康绍英,邱亚锋,周兴旺,王亮亮,王芳,张丽.不同包装形式对黑芝麻储藏过程中酸值变化的影响[J].中国油脂,2025,50(3):.[LIU Lan, ZHOU Peihua, KANG Shaoying, QIU Yafeng, ZHOU Xingwang,WANG Liangliang, WANG Fang, ZHANG Li.Effect of different packaging forms on acid value change of black sesame during storage[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(3):.]
Effect of different packaging forms on acid value change of black sesame during storage
KeyWord:black sesame  acid value  packaging form  antioxidant  crushed black sesame
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Lan, ZHOU Peihua, KANG Shaoying, QIU Yafeng, ZHOU Xingwang,WANG Liangliang, WANG Fang, ZHANG Li Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Safety Monitoring and Early Warning, Hunan Provincial Institute of Product and Goods Quality Inspection Changsha 410007, China 
摘要点击次数: 71
全文下载次数: 62
      Aiming to provide reference for prolonging the shelf-life and maintaining the quality of black sesame, fresh black sesame produced in Heilongjiang Province was used as the object of study, and the black sesame was stored by using conventional air packaging, vacuum packaging, nitrogen-filled packaging, transparent, aluminum foil and black light-avoiding self-sealing bag packaging, and whether or not to add antioxidants, respectively, to examine the effect of different packaging forms on acid value change of black sesame, and the change in acid value of crushed black sesame was also studied. The results showed that the acid value of black sesame exposed to air in the preservation changed the greatest, other packaging methods could achieve the purpose of delaying the shelf-life. On the whole, the preservation effect of the vacuum environment was better than that of nitrogen and air environment, the preservation effect of adding antioxidants was better than that of not adding antioxidants, and in the addition of antioxidants and in the air environment without antioxidants, the preservation effect of the black light-avoiding self-sealing bag was the best. The acid value of the crushed black sesame increased rapidly at room temperature, and exceeded the limit value stipulated by the national standard when they were kept for about 7 d. In conclusion, the storage time of the black sesame can be prolonged under sealed and vacuum conditions, and crushed black sesame should not be stored at room temperature for a long time.
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