孟新涛1,2,许铭强1,2,张婷1,2,古丽米热·祖努纳1,2, 牛逍瞳1,2,郭金宝3,刘国庆4,马燕1,2.基于GC-IMS技术分析新疆不同品种 核桃油挥发性成分的差异[J].中国油脂,2025,50(3):.[MENG Xintao1,2, XU Mingqiang1,2, ZHANG Ting1,2, GULIMIRE Zununa1,2, NIU Xiaotong1,2, GUO Jinbao3, LIU Guoqing4, MA Yan1,2.Differences of volatile components of different varieties of walnut oils in Xinjiang using gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(3):.]
基于GC-IMS技术分析新疆不同品种 核桃油挥发性成分的差异
Differences of volatile components of different varieties of walnut oils in Xinjiang using gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry
中文关键词:  气相色谱-离子迁移谱(GC-IMS)  不同品种  核桃油  挥发性成分
英文关键词:gas chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopy (GC-IMS)  different varieties  walnut oil  volatile component
孟新涛1,2,许铭强1,2,张婷1,2,古丽米热·祖努纳1,2, 牛逍瞳1,2,郭金宝3,刘国庆4,马燕1,2 1.新疆农业科学院 农产品贮藏加工研究所乌鲁木齐 830091 2.新疆主要农副产品精深加工工程 技术研究中心乌鲁木齐 830091 3.温宿县木本粮油林场新疆 阿克苏 843100 4.温宿县宝圆果业有限责任公司新疆 阿克苏 843100 
Author NameAffiliation
MENG Xintao1,2, XU Mingqiang1,2, ZHANG Ting1,2, GULIMIRE Zununa1,2, NIU Xiaotong1,2, GUO Jinbao3, LIU Guoqing4, MA Yan1,2 1.Research Institute of Farm Products Storage and Processing, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi 830091, China
2.Research Center of Main Agricultural Products Processing Engineering in Xinjiang
, Urumqi 830091,China 3.Woody Grain and Oil Forest Farm in Wensu County, Akesu 843100, Xinjiang, China
4.Wensu County Bao Yuan Fruit Industry Limited Liability Company, Akesu 843100, Xinjiang
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 53
      In order to study the differences of volatile components in low-temperature pressed walnut oil of main cultivars in Xinjiang, the volatile components in low-temperature pressed walnut oils of Wen 185, Xinxin 2, Xinzaofeng, Xincuifeng, Zha 343 and Wen 81 were analyzed by gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS), and the differences in volatile components among different varieties of walnut oil was analyzed using fingerprint profile combined with principal component analysis (PCA). The results indicated that there were 48 volatile substances were detected in 6 varieties of walnut oil samples, including 13 aldehydes, 10 alcohols, 10 esters, 7 ketones, 3 olefins, 2 acids, 2 ethers and 1 heterocyclic. Esters were the main volatile components of walnut oil, and the relative content of ethyl acetate (monomer) was the highest (10.61%-14.95%). There were differences in the volatile components of low-temperature pressed walnut oils of different varieties. The volatile components of Xinxin 2 and Wen185 walnut oil were similar, while the volatile components of Wen 81 and Xincuifeng walnut oil were similar, and the volatile components of Zha 343 and Xinzaofeng walnut oil were significantly different from other varieties. Therefore, it is feasible to use GC-IMS combined with fingerprint profile and PCA to quickly analyze the differences of volatile component of different varieties of walnut oils.
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