陆姝欢1,刘芳1,胡雄1,熊文1,肖敏1,项威2,陈鹏3,李翔宇1,2.3种天然来源乳化剂在功能油脂乳液凝胶中的应用[J].中国油脂,2025,50(3):.[LU Shuhuan1, LIU Fang1, HU Xiong1, XIONG Wen1, XIAO Min1, XIANG Wei2, CHEN Peng3, LI Xiangyu1,2.Application of 3 natural emulsifiers in functional oil emulsion gels[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(3):.]
Application of 3 natural emulsifiers in functional oil emulsion gels
中文关键词:  n-3多不饱和脂肪酸功能油脂  乳清蛋白  大豆磷脂  辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉  乳液  水凝胶
英文关键词:n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid functional oil  whey proteins  soybean phospholipids  octenylsuccinic acid starch  emulsion  hydrogel
陆姝欢1,刘芳1,胡雄1,熊文1,肖敏1,项威2,陈鹏3,李翔宇1,2 1.嘉必优生物技术(武汉)股份有限公司武汉 430073 2.武汉中科光谷绿色生物技术有限公司武汉 430075 3.中国农业科学院油料作物研究所油料脂质化学与营养湖北省重点实验室 农业农村部油料加工重点实验室武汉 430062 
Author NameAffiliation
LU Shuhuan1, LIU Fang1, HU Xiong1, XIONG Wen1, XIAO Min1, XIANG Wei2, CHEN Peng3, LI Xiangyu1,2 1.CABIO Biotech (Wuhan) Co. , Ltd. Wuhan 430073China
2.Wuhan Zhongke Optics Valley Green Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. , Wuhan 430075China
3.Key Laboratory of Oilseeds Processing of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hubei Key Laboratory of Lipid Chemistry and Nutrition, Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430062, China 
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全文下载次数: 57
      旨在探索n-3多不饱和脂肪酸功能油脂在水相体系中的创新应用,以大豆磷脂、乳清蛋白、辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉3种天然来源乳化剂制备功能油脂乳液,通过测定乳液加热前后的粒径、Zeta-电位、微观形态,以及不同储存时间下的粒径、整体稳定性指数(TSI)和表观形态考察其热稳定性和储藏稳定性。同时,以黄原胶和结冷胶分别对乳液包埋建立乳液水凝胶,并测定水凝胶的流变学特性和质构特性。结果表明:在75 ℃加热处理30 min后,3种乳化剂制备的功能油脂乳液均具有一定的热稳定性,其中乳清蛋白乳液的体积平均粒径(D\[4,3\])最小,其Zeta-电位和微观形态均无明显变化,热稳定性最佳;随着储存时间(0~7 d)的延长,乳清蛋白乳液的D\[4,3\]无明显变化,TSI增长最缓,表观形态未出现明显析出分层,储藏稳定性最好;在65 ℃下,3种乳化剂乳液制备的水凝胶表观黏度均增加,在25 ℃下,相比其他2种乳液,乳清蛋白乳液对于水凝胶体系的储能模量(G′)、损耗模量(G″)、硬度、黏附性的增加总体更具优势,其中乳清蛋白乳液和黄原胶制备的水凝胶具有最高的G′、G″以及硬度。综上,乳清蛋白作为乳化剂负载功能油脂在水凝胶产品的创新应用中具有较高的应用价值及可实施性。
      To explore the innovative application of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid functional oil in the aqueous phase system, the functional oil emulsions were prepared with three emulsifiers from natural sources of soybean phospholipids, whey proteins, and octenylsuccinic acid starch. The thermal and storage stabilities of the emulsions were investigated by determining the particle size, Zeta-potential, microscopic morphology before and after heating, and the particle size, Turbiscan stability index (TSI), and apparent morphology at different storage time. The emulsion hydrogel was coated with xanthan gum and gellan gum, and the rheological and texture properties of the hydrogel were determined. The results showed that the functional oil emulsions prepared with the three emulsifiers were thermally stable after heating at 75 ℃ for 30 min, among which the whey proteins emulsion had the smallest volume mean diameter(D\[4,3\]), no obvious changes in Zeta-potential and microscopic morphology, and were the most thermally stable. With the prolongation of the storage time (0-7 d), there was no obvious change in the D\[4,3\] of the whey proteins emulsion, and the TSI growth was the slowest, the apparent morphology did not show obvious precipitation delamination, the storage stability was the best. The apparent viscosity of the hydrogel prepared by three functional oil emulsions increased at 65 ℃. At 25 ℃, the whey proteins emulsion was overall more favorable than the other two emulsions for improving the energy storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), hardness and adhesion of the hydrogel system, with the hydrogels of whey proteins emulsion and xanthan gum having the highest G′, G″ and hardness. In conclusion, whey proteins as an emulsifier loaded with functional oils has high application value and implementability in the innovative application of finished hydrogel products.
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