崔之益,易立飒,李文锋,等.基于电导率变化的油茶籽油掺假鉴别方法探讨[J].中国油脂,2014,39(4):.[CUI Zhiyi,YI Lisa,LI Wenfeng,etc.Electrical conductivity measurement in identification of authentic oil-tea camellia seed oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2014,39(4):.]
Electrical conductivity measurement in identification of authentic oil-tea camellia seed oil
中文关键词:  油茶籽油  电导率  鉴别  掺假
英文关键词:oil-tea camellia seed oil  electrical conductivity  identification  adulteration
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      为建立一种快速鉴别油茶籽油掺假的方法,采用电导率仪,对油茶籽油、花生油和大豆油,以及油茶籽油中掺入不同比例的花生油和大豆油的模拟掺假油样品进行了电导率测定。结果表明:不同类型油的电导率存在显著差异;在油茶籽油中掺入不同比例花生油和大豆油后,其电导率发生变化,其中的油茶籽油含量与其电导率之间具有良好的拟合关系。在油茶籽油中掺入不同比例花生油时,油茶籽油含量与其电导率的拟合方程为y=0.040 7x2-10.434x+140.52(R2=0.995 6);在油茶籽油中掺入不同比例大豆油时,油茶籽油含量与其电导率的拟合方程为y=19.379x2-84.118x+94.821(R2=0.881 7);在油茶籽油中同时掺入不同比例花生油和大豆油时,电导率变化与各油所占比例具有显著相关性。因此,电导率法可作为一种快速鉴别油茶籽油掺假的方法。
      To provide a method for identifying the adulteration of oil-tea camellia seed oil,the electrical conductivities of oil-tea camellia seed oil,peanut oil and soybean oil,as well as adulterated oil samples simulated by adding a certain proportion of peanut oil and soybean oil to oil-tea camellia seed oil were determined by electrical conductivity method. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the electrical conductivities of different types of oils;the electrical conductivity of oil-tea camellia seed oil added by different proportions of peanut oil and soybean oil changed,and the fitting relationship between oil-tea camellia seed oil content in the adulterated oil and electrical conductivity was good. When oil-tea camellia seed oil mixed with different proportions of peanut oil,the fitting equation of oil-tea camellia seed oil content and electrical conductivity was y=0.040 7x2-10.434x+140.52(R2=0.995 6);when mixed with different proportions of soybean oil,the fitting equation of oil-tea camellia seed oil content and electrical conductivity was y=19.379x2-84.118x+94.821(R2=0.881 7);and there was a significant correlation between electrical conductivity and the proportion of each oil when mixed with different proportions of peanut oil and soybean oil simultaneously. Therefore,electrical conductivity could be used as a method for rapid identification of authen tic oil-tea camellia seed oil .
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