申加旭,李法社,王华各,等.生物柴油调和燃料理论热值比对分析[J].中国油脂,2017,42(11):.[SHEN Jiaxu,LI Fashe,WANG Huage,etc.Comparative analysis of theoretical calorific value of biodiesel blend fuel[J].China Oils and Fats,2017,42(11):.]
Comparative analysis of theoretical calorific value of biodiesel blend fuel
中文关键词:  生物柴油调和燃料  元素分析  线性拟合  理论热值
英文关键词:biodiesel blend fuel  elemental analysis  linear fitting  theoretical calorific value
摘要点击次数: 1093
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      The Jatropha biodiesel, swill-cooked dirty oil biodiesel and rubber seed biodiesel were prepared in laboratory by transesterification, and according to the different volume ratio, 36 kinds of biodiesel blend fuels were prepared with the 0# diesel. The theoretical calorific values of blend fuels according to Mendeleevs formula and mass fraction were calculated, and linearly fitted with the mesured calorific value respectively to find out the best calculation method of theoretical calorific value. The results showed that theoretical calorific value according to mass fraction was suitable for the calculation of calorific value of Jatropha biodiesel blend fuel; theoretical calorific value according to Mendeleevs formula was more suitable for the calculation of calorific value of swill-cooked dirty oil biodiesel blend fuel; two kinds of methods were suitable for the calculation of theoretical calorific value of rubber seed biodiesel blend fuel.
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