谭传波,赖琼玮,杨耀学,等.鲜榨油茶籽油提取工艺研究[J].中国油脂,2018,43(8):.[TAN Chuanbo, LAI Qiongwei, YANG Yaoxue, etc.Extraction process of fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil[J].China Oils and Fats,2018,43(8):.]
Extraction process of fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil
中文关键词:  鲜榨油茶籽油  提取  油茶籽浆液  响应面分析
英文关键词:fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil  extraction  serous fluid of oil-tea camellia seed  response surface analysis
摘要点击次数: 1603
全文下载次数: 869
      为寻求油茶籽浆液提取鲜榨油茶籽油的最佳条件,采用响应面法优化其提取条件。选择不同料液比、提取温度、提取时间为自变量,提油率为响应值,利用Box-Behnken方法进行三因素三水平的实验设计,并进行响应面分析,建立回归模型。结果表明:回归方程拟合性好,鲜榨油茶籽油提取工艺最佳条件为料液比40∶?10、提取温度90?℃、提取时间50 min。在最佳条件下,鲜榨油茶籽提油率为95.9%,且鲜榨油茶籽油提取工艺对鲜榨油茶籽油的酸值和过氧化值无影响。
      The extraction conditions of fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil from serous fluid of oil-tea camellia seed were optimized by response surface methodology. With solid-liquid ratio, extraction temperature and extraction time as arguments, oil extraction rate as response value, three factors and three levels experimental design and response surface analysis were carried out, and the regression model was founded. The results showed that the fitting of the regression equation was good. The optimal extraction conditions of fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil were obtained as follows: solid-liquid ratio 40∶?10, extraction temperature 90?℃and extraction time 50 min. Under these conditions, the oil extraction rate was 95.9%, and the extraction process had no effect on the acid value and peroxide value of the fresh pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil.
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