吴学君.不完全竞争下我国橄榄油进口贸易市场势力测度及影响因素研究[J].中国油脂,2021,46(1):5~9.[WU Xuejun.Calculation of market power in the import of China’s olive oil market and factors under the imperfectly competitive market[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(1):5~9.]
Calculation of market power in the import of China’s olive oil market and factors under the imperfectly competitive market
中文关键词:  橄榄油  SMR扩展模型  市场势力
英文关键词:olive oil  extended SMR model  market power
吴学君 湖南工商大学 经济改革与发展研究中心, 长沙 410205 
摘要点击次数: 1636
全文下载次数: 561
      Based on extended SMR model and the angle of both sides, eight major countries olive oil exporting to China were chosen as the research objects and their market power for exporting olive oil to China in 2008—2018 was calculated. The main factors influencing Chinas bilateral international market power of olive oil were investigated. The results showed that Chinas import market in olive oil was imperfectly competitive and Chinas market power was still not big. Greece, Spain, Italy and other five countries accounted for an average of 99% of Chinas olive oil imports. The reasons for Chinas insufficient market power in the olive oil import were caused by factors such as high production cost, excessive consumption demand growth, intensive import market, high import dependence, low degree of industrial agglomerations in olive industry, etc.Besides, the corresponding suggestions were put forward.
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