李会珍.紫苏籽营养及产品加工研究进展[J].中国油脂,2021,46(9):120~124.[LI Huizhen.Progress on nutrition and product processing of perilla seed[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(9):120~124.]
Progress on nutrition and product processing of perilla seed
中文关键词:  紫苏籽  营养  产品加工
英文关键词:perilla seed  nutrition  product processing
李会珍 中北大学 化学工程与技术学院太原 030051 
摘要点击次数: 1209
全文下载次数: 507
      There are great potential for deep processing of perilla seed. Perilla seed oil and perilla seed cake are mainly processed from perilla seed. Perilla seed oil can be processed into the microcapsule, micro emulsion and α-linolenic acid. Perilla seed cake can be processed into protein, peptides, perilla sauce and other products, and trace active ingredient such as polysaccharide, flavone, etc. can be extracted. In addition, perilla seed hull polyphenol extract can also be processed as feed additive. Based on the introducing of nutritional components of perilla seed, the research progress on the nutritional benefits and processing technologies of perilla seed related products in recent years were reviewed, the present situation and market demands of perilla seed products were analyzed, and the comprehensive processing and industrial development foreground of perilla seed were also prospected in order to provide reference for the comprehensive utilization of perilla seed.
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