熊巍林.微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食用植物油中痕量铅的不确定度评定[J].中国油脂,2021,46(12):136~140.[XIONG Weilin.Evaluation of uncertainty in determination of lead in edible vegetable oils by microwave digestion-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy[J].China Oils and Fats,2021,46(12):136~140.]
Evaluation of uncertainty in determination of lead in edible vegetable oils by microwave digestion-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
中文关键词:  食用植物油  痕量铅  微波消解  不确定度评定  石墨炉原子吸收光谱法
英文关键词:edible vegetable oil  trace lead  microwave digestion  evaluation of uncertainty  graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
熊巍林 湖南农业大学 食品科技学院长沙 410128 
摘要点击次数: 988
全文下载次数: 490
      研究了微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食用植物油中痕量铅的不确定度来源,并对其不确定度分量进行了定量评定,确定了相对标准不确定度和扩展不确定度。结果表明:微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食用植物油中痕量铅的不确定度主要来源为计量器具校准、标准曲线拟合、实验人员读数和仪器测定重复性,其相对标准不确定度分别为0.048、0.022、0.016和0.013。当称样量为0.500 1 g时,铅含量为0.024 mg/kg,k=2(95%置信度),扩展不确定度为0.003 mg/kg,测量结果可表示为(0.024±0.003)mg/kg。
      The uncertainty source was determined by microwave digestion-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in the determination of trace lead in edible vegetable oil, and the uncertainty component was quantitatively evaluated to determine the relative standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty. The results showed that the uncertainty in the determination of trace lead in edible vegetable oil by microwave digestion-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry mainly came from three aspects: the calibration of measuring instruments, the fitting of standard curve, reading of the laboratory technicians and the repeatability of instrument measurement, and their relative standard uncertainties were 0.048, 0.022, 0.016 and 0.013 respectively. When the sample mass was 0.500 1 g, the lead content was 0.024 mg/kg, k=2(confidence of 95%), the expanded uncertainty was 0.003 mg/kg, the measurement result could be expressed as (0.024±0.003) mg/kg.
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