常振刚1,刘彦君2,潘丽2,李茜2,李亚菲2,马鸣远2,张林3.植物甾醇油酸酯-虾青素复合脂质体的制备工艺优化[J].中国油脂,2023,48(6):.[CHANG Zhengang1, LIU Yanjun2, PAN Li2, LI Xi2, LI Yafei2, MA Mingyuan2, ZHANG Lin3.Optimization of preparation process of liposomes co-encapsulating phytosterol oleate and astaxanthin[J].China Oils and Fats,2023,48(6):.]
Optimization of preparation process of liposomes co-encapsulating phytosterol oleate and astaxanthin
中文关键词:  虾青素  植物甾醇油酸酯  复合脂质体  包封率  响应面法
英文关键词:astaxanthin  phytosterol oleate  composite liposomes  encapsulation efficiency  response surface methodology
常振刚1,刘彦君2,潘丽2,李茜2,李亚菲2,马鸣远2,张林3 1.河南金谷实业发展有限公司郑州 450003
2.河南工业大学 国家粮食和物资储备局粮油食品工程技术研究中心/ 河南省重点实验室郑州 450001
3.鄢陵县紫荆生物科技有限公司河南 许昌 461200 
摘要点击次数: 1842
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      为了改善虾青素的水溶性和稳定性,探索植物甾醇酯用于构建负载虾青素脂质体的可行性,以大豆磷脂为主要膜材,采用薄膜-超声法制备植物甾醇油酸酯-虾青素复合脂质体(L-PA)。以包封率为评价指标,通过单因素试验和Box-Behnken响应面试验优化L-PA的制备工艺。结果表明:L-PA制备的最佳工艺条件为植物甾醇油酸酯与大豆磷脂质量比1∶ 10、磷酸盐缓冲液pH 7.4、超声时间4 min、吐温80与大豆磷脂质量比1∶ 2、有机相与水相体积比1∶ 4、虾青素与大豆磷脂质量比1∶ 50,在此条件下L-PA的包封率为95.24%。因此,植物甾醇油酸酯可用于构建负载虾青素的脂质体。
      In order to enhance the stability and water solubility of astaxanthin, and to explore the feasibility of phytosterol esters for preparing astaxanthin-loaded liposomes, liposomes co-encapsulating phytosterol oleate and astaxanthin (L-PA) were prepared by thin-film ultrasonic method with soybean phospholipid as the main membrane material. The preparation process of L-PA was optimized by single factor experiment and Box-Behnken response surface methodology with the encapsulation efficiency as the index. The results showed that the optimal process conditions were obtained as follows: mass ratio of phytosterol oleate to soybean phospholipid 1∶ 10, pH of phosphate buffer 7.4, ultrasonic time 4 min, mass ratio of Tween 80 to soybean phospholipid 1∶ 2, volume ratio of organic phase to aqueous phase 1∶ 4, and mass ratio of astaxanthin to soybean phospholipid 1∶ 50. Under these conditions, the encapsulation efficiency of L-PA was 95.24%. Therefore, phytosterol oleate can be used to prepare astaxanthin-loaded composite liposomes.
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