李振1,相海1,赵有斌2,宋健宇1,张德程3,梁昊3,张艺潇4.植物蛋白螺杆挤压组织化技术的研究进展[J].中国油脂,2023,48(9):.[LI Zhen1, XIANG Hai1, ZHAO Youbin2, SONG Jianyu1, ZHANG Decheng3, LIANG Hao3, ZHANG Yixiao4.Development of plant protein screw extrusion texturing technology[J].China Oils and Fats,2023,48(9):.]
Development of plant protein screw extrusion texturing technology
中文关键词:  植物蛋白  螺杆挤压组织化技术  螺杆元件  螺杆构型  挤压组织化过程
英文关键词:vegetable protein  screw extrusion texturing technology  screw element  screw configuration  extrusion texturing process
李振1,相海1,赵有斌2,宋健宇1,张德程3,梁昊3,张艺潇4 1.中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司北京 100083 2.浙江三中粮油科技有限公司浙江 湖州313200 3.中机康元粮油装备(北京)有限公司北京 100083 4.中国人民解放军32381部队北京 100072 
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全文下载次数: 1378
      Screw extrusion texturing technology is the main way of vegetable protein meat production, with the advantages of scale, industrialization, continuity, high efficiency and energy saving. To sort out the plant protein screw extrusion texturing technology, the research progress of screw extrusion texturing technology of plant protein was reviewed from the aspects of screw extrusion texturing technology and equipment and the influencing factors of screw extrusion texturing process were elaborated. Screw extruder was the main equipment of plant protein extrusion texturing process with screw as the core component of screw extruder, screw elements and screw configuration had great influence on extrusion pressure, shear force, torque and average residence time. Temperature, shear force, pressure and raw materials were the important factors affecting the plant protein screw extrusion texturing process.
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