张寒1,郑竟成1,2,罗质1,3,何东平1,3,雷芬芬1,3,陈东1,2,洪坤强1,2.微生物发酵对菜籽饼粕营养特性改良的研究进展[J].中国油脂,2024,49(10):.[ZHANG Han1, ZHENG Jingcheng1,2, LUO Zhi1,3, HE Dongping1,3, LEI Fenfen1,3, CHEN Dong1,2, HONG Kunqiang1,2.Research progress on the improvement of nutritional properties of rapeseed cake and meal by microbial fermentation[J].China Oils and Fats,2024,49(10):.]
Research progress on the improvement of nutritional properties of rapeseed cake and meal by microbial fermentation
中文关键词:  菜籽饼粕  微生物发酵  抗营养因子  降解  营养特性改良
英文关键词:rapeseed cake and meal  microbial fermentation  anti-nutritional factor  degradation  improvement of nutritional property
张寒1,郑竟成1,2,罗质1,3,何东平1,3,雷芬芬1,3,陈东1,2,洪坤强1,2 (1.武汉轻工大学 食品科学与工程学院武汉 430023 2.大宗粮油精深加工教育部重点实验室 武汉 430023 3.国家市场监管重点实验室(食用油质量与安全)武汉 430023) 
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全文下载次数: 1342
      Rapeseed cake and meal is rich in nutrients, but contains anti-nutritional factors. In order to reduce the content of anti-nutritional factors in rapeseed cake and meal, improve the utilization rate of rapeseed cake and meal, and promote its large-scale development and utilization, the nutrient and anti-nutritional factors in rapeseed cake and meal were introduced, and the research progress on the degradation of anti-nutritional factors in rapeseed cake and meal from the perspectives of single strain fermentation, mixed strain fermentation, strain and enzyme synergistic fermentation, as well as liquid and solid state fermentation, one-step and step-by-step fermentation processes were reviewed. The changes in the nutritional properties of rapeseed cake and meal before and after fermentation were discussed, and the future research direction of the microbial fermentation technology of rapeseed cake and meal was anticipated. Microbial fermentation technology could significantly reduce the anti-nutritional factors in rapeseed cake and meal and improve its feeding value, which had a broad development space. In the future, the development of microbial fermentation technology for rapeseed cake and meal should be promoted by strengthening publicity and promotion, selecting and breeding strains with superior performance, and optimizing the fermentation process.
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