王志山1,孙瑞焓1,王昌梅1,2,张无敌1,2,尹芳1,2,杨斌1,2,柳静1,2,杨红1,2.氨基酸离子液体原位催化小球藻制备 生物柴油的工艺研究[J].中国油脂,2025,50(2):.[WANG Zhishan1, SUN Ruihan1, WANG Changmei1,2, ZHANG Wudi1,2, YIN Fang1,2, YANG Bin1,2, LIU Jing1,2, YANG Hong1,2.Preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella by in-situ catalysis with amino acid ionic liquids[J].China Oils and Fats,2025,50(2):.]
氨基酸离子液体原位催化小球藻制备 生物柴油的工艺研究
Preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella by in-situ catalysis with amino acid ionic liquids
中文关键词:  氨基酸离子液体  小球藻  原位法  生物柴油  酯交换
英文关键词:amino acid ionic liquid  Chlorella  in-situ method  biodiesel  transesterification
王志山1,孙瑞焓1,王昌梅1,2,张无敌1,2,尹芳1,2,杨斌1,2,柳静1,2,杨红1,2 1.云南师范大学 能源与环境科学学院昆明 650500 2.云南省沼气工程技术研究中心昆明 650500 
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      为探究环境友好型高效催化剂原位催化小球藻制备生物柴油,采用5种氨基酸(甘氨酸、天冬氨酸、L-谷氨酸、L-赖氨酸、L-脯氨酸)分别与盐酸和氢氧化钾反应合成氨基酸离子液体,以氨基酸离子液体为提取剂和催化剂,对小球藻进行原位催化制备生物柴油,并采用单因素实验对反应条件进行优化。结果表明:L-脯氨酸与盐酸反应合成的氨基酸离子液体(\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\])具有更好的生物柴油提取率和催化率;小球藻生物柴油的最优制备条件是\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\]用量100%(以小球藻藻粉质量计)、甲醇与藻粉质量比11∶ 1、反应温度65 ℃、反应时间18 h,在此条件下小球藻生物柴油的提取率为83.16%,催化率为64.54%。综上,氨基酸离子液体\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\]适合用于原位催化小球藻制备生物柴油。
      To explore the in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella using environmentally friendly and efficient catalysts, amino acid ionic liquids were synthesized by reacting five amino acids (glycine, aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, L-lysine and L-proline) with hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide, respectively. The amino acid ionic liquids were used as extraction agents and catalysts for the in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella. The reaction conditions were optimized using single factor experiments. The results showed that the amino acid ionic liquid \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] synthesized by the reaction of L-proline with hydrochloric acid had better biodiesel extraction rate and catalysis rate. The optimal preparation conditions for Chlorella biodiesel were as follows: dosage of \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] 100%(based on the mass of Chlorella powder), mass ratio of methanol to Chlorella powder 11∶ 1, reaction temperature 65 ℃, and reaction time 18 h. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of biodiesel was 83.16%, and the catalysis rate was 64.54%. In summary, the amino acid ionic liquid \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] is suitable for in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella.
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