Preparation and physical modification of cottonseed protein concentrate
中文关键词:  棉籽  醇洗  浓缩蛋白  物理改性
英文关键词:cottonseed  ethanol washing  protein concentrate  physical modification
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Xiaolong  
LIU Dachuan  
LIU Ye,etc  
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      以低温脱溶棉籽粕为原料,选用乙醇洗涤法制备棉籽浓缩蛋白。考察了乙醇体积分数,醇洗温度,醇洗时间,醇洗次数,料液比对棉籽浓缩蛋白产品蛋白质含量的影响。得到的最佳工艺条件为:乙醇体积分数70%,醇洗温度50℃,醇洗3次(每次20 min),料液比1∶7;在最佳工艺条件下,制得棉籽浓缩蛋白产品蛋白质含量为68.25%(N×625,干基),游离棉酚含量下降到0.035 4%。为提高产品的溶解性,对醇洗棉籽浓缩蛋白进行物理改性研究,探讨了热水温度,捣碎均质时间,蛋白质溶液pH,超声波处理时间对产品溶解性的影响。得到的最佳工艺条件为:热水温度95℃,捣碎均质时间10 min,蛋白质溶液pH 9,超声波处理时间15 min;在最佳工艺条件下,制得的改性棉籽浓缩蛋白产品NSI由12.30%上升到26.59%,且高于原料棉籽粕的24.46%。
      With low-temperature desolventized cottonseed meal as raw material, the cottonseed protein concentrate was prepared by ethanol washing method. The effects of volume fraction, washing temperature, washing time and washing times of ethanol and ratio of solid to liquid on protein content of cottonseed protein concentrate were investigated. The optimal preparation conditions were obtained as follows: volume fraction of ethanol 70%, washing temperature of ethanol 50℃, washing time of ethanol 20 min for three times, ratio of solid to liquid 1∶7. Under the optimal conditions ,the protein content of cottonseed protein concentrate prepared was 68.25%(N×6.25, dry basis), and the content of free gossypol falled to 0.035 4%. The physical modification conditions of ethanol washed cottonseed protein concentrate, such as hot water temperature, mashed homogenization time, pH of protein solution and ultrasonic time were studied to improve the solubility of the product. The optimal physical modification conditions were obtained as follows: hot water temperature 95℃, mashed homogenization time 10 min, pH of protein solution 9, ultrasonic time 15 min. Under the optimal conditions, the NSI of modified cottonseed protein concentrate prepared increased from 12.30% to 26.59%,which was higher than 24.46% of cottonseed meal.
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