Ultrasound-assisted transesterification to produce biodiesel from waste frying oil
中文关键词:  煎炸废油  生物柴油  超声波  酯交换
英文关键词:waste frying oil  biodiesel  ultrasound  transesterification
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Liyan  
ZHANG Hanren  
LUO Yingpeng,etc  
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      选用脱色处理后的煎炸废油为原料(酸值(KOH)4.20 mg/g,水分及挥发物0.072%,皂化值(KOH)197.24 mg/g,平均摩尔质量871.82 g/mol),KOH作为催化剂,采用超声波辅助制备生物柴油,并利用气相色谱对生成物进行分析测试。在前期实验得到反应条件为醇油摩尔比6∶1,催化剂用量为原料油质量1%的基础上,考察超声波对酯交换过程的强化作用。通过无催化剂实验确定超声波强化作用源于空化引起的物理变化,而后研究了反应温度、超声波功率、超声场位置对酯交换反应的影响。通过综合考量体系活性与空化强度得到最佳反应温度为45℃,通过综合考量声场强度及其集中性得到最佳功率为100 W,当反应物相界面处于声场驻波位置即30 mm处,可有效促进酯交换反应的进行,在最佳实验条件下反应5 min,生物柴油转化率可达99.64%。
      With bleached waste frying oil (acid value 4.20 mgKOH/g, moisture and volatile matter content 0.072%, saponification value 197.24 mgKOH/g, average molar mass 871.82 g/mol) as raw material and KOH as catalyst, biodiesel was produced by ultrasound-assisted transesterification and analyzed by gas chromatography.Based on previous research on the reaction conditions (molar ratio of methanol to oil 6∶1 and catalyst dosage 1% (based on the mass of bleached waste frying oil)), the reinforcement effect of ultrasound on transesterification was studied. It was determined that the reinforcement effect of ultrasound originated from physical change caused by cavitation via catalyst-free experiment,then the impacts of reaction temperature, ultrasonic power and position of ultrasound field on transesterification were researched. The optimal reaction temperature was determined as 45℃ through comprehensive consideration of system activity and cavitation intensity, and the optimal ultrasonic power was determined as 100 W through comprehensive consideration of intensity and concentration of sound field; when the phase interface of reactants was nearby the position of standing wave in the sound field (30 mm distance from the bottom of ultrasound tank), the transesterification was effectively promoted,and the conversion rate of biodiesel could reach 99.64% in 5 min under the optimal conditions.
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