Optimization of molecular recombination of lard by response surface methodology
中文关键词:  猪油  分子重组  KOH-甘油  X-射线衍射
英文关键词:lard  molecular recombination  KOH-glycerol  X-ray diffraction
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Shuai  
ZHANG Linshang  
BI Yanlan  
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      以猪油为原料,以自制KOH-甘油(质量比1∶1)为催化剂,研究了温度、时间及催化剂用量对猪油自身分子重组反应的影响。在单因素实验的基础上,利用响应面法优化猪油自身分子重组反应的工艺条件。结果表明,猪油自身分子重组最佳工艺条件为:温度95℃,时间60 min,催化剂用量为猪油质量的1.0%。在最佳工艺条件下猪油自身分子重组程度能达到100%,甘三酯脂肪酸的分布完全随机化,分子重组后的猪油形成β′晶型,扩展了猪油的应用范围。
      With lard as raw material and self-made KOH- glycerol (mass ratio 1∶1) as catalyst,the effects of temperature,time and catalyst dosage on the molecular recombination of lard were researched. The molecular recombination conditions of lard were optimized by response surface methodology on the basis of single factor experiment. The results showed that the optimal molecular recombination conditions of lard were obtained as follows: temperature 95℃,time 60 min and catalyst dosage 1.0% of lard mass. Under the optimal conditions,the molecular recombination degree of lard could reach 100%,the distribution of triglyceride fatty acids was completely random,and the crystal of lard was easy to form β′ crystal after molecular recombination,thus the application of lard was expanded.
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