ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对运动疲劳大鼠心肌细胞代谢、 抗氧化能力及血清IL-4、IL-6、INF-γ的影响
Effects of ωω-3PUFAs on myocardial cell metabolism,antioxidant capacity and serum IL-4, IL-6 and INF-γ inrats with exercise induced fatigue
中文关键词:  ω-3PUFAs  心肌细胞  抗氧化能力  能量节省化
英文关键词:ω-3PUFAs  myocardial cell  antioxidant capacity  energy saving
Author NameAffiliation
KONG Haijun,HUANG Ling,WANG Fenghua,et al  
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      In order to investigate the effects of ω-3PUFAs on the myocardial cell metabolism and the changes of serum T-SOD, MDA, blood lactate, LDH, IL-4, IL-6 and INF-纬 in rats, the SD rats were divided into sedentary control (Rc) group, exercise control (Mc) group, low dose ω-3PUFAs gavage(G1) group, medium dose ω-3PUFAs gavage(G2) group and high dose ω-3PUFAs gavage(G3) group, and a compound ω-3PUFAs intervention experiment by treadmill exercise for eight weeks was carried out. The results showed that the contents of high-energy phosphate compounds in experimental group were higher than those in Mc group. Serum T-SOD activity in experimental group showed an upward trend, while MDA content showed a downward trend, and G1 group had a significant difference with Mc group (P<0.05), G2 and G3 groups had highly significant differences with Mc group (P<0.01). Blood lactate levels in experimental group showed a downward trend. G1 and G2 groups had significant differences with Mc group (P<0.05), and G3 group had highly significant differences with Mc group(P<0.01). LDH content in experimental group showed an upward trend, and it was positively correlated with ω-3 PUFAs dose. Serum IL-4, IL-6, INF-γ levels in experimental group rats were lower than those in Mc group. Different doses of ω-3 PUFAs had intervention on the myocardial cell metabolism, antioxidant capacity and serum IL-4, IL-6, INF-γ in rats.
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