A quantitative analysis method of adulteration of olive oil based on a linear absorbance mixing model
中文关键词:  线性混合  吸光度  橄榄油  掺杂  吸收光谱  定量分析
英文关键词:linear mixing  absorbance  olive oil  adulteration  absorption spectrum  quantitative analysis
Author NameAffiliation
XU Hong, YANG Jichun  
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      提出了橄榄油掺杂的吸光度线性混合模型,利用朗伯-比尔吸收机理推导出掺杂比的计算公式,可以定量分析二组分橄榄油掺杂油的组分比例构成。通过误差分析理论分析了掺杂比的计算误差,确定了在橄榄油和掺入油的吸光度差值最大的波长区具有最小的检测误差。实验中利用构建的可见近红外光谱采集系统对橄榄油掺杂玉米油、花生油和大豆油的情况进行了验证,对于掺杂10%以上的掺杂混合油的掺杂比计算值和实际配比值的相关系数分别达到0.999 2、0.999 6和0.999 7,标准误差分别为0.008 2、0.005 9和0.005 1,相对误差可以控制在5%以内。实验结果表明根据吸光度线性混合模型计算橄榄油掺杂其他食用油的掺杂比例是准确可行的,可以用于橄榄油掺杂的组分定量检测。
      A linear absorbance mixing model of adulterated olive oil was presented to quantitatively analyze the proportion of adulterated oil based on an equation derived from the Lambert-Beers Law. According to theory of errors, the calculation error of adulteration proportion was analyzed, and the minimal detection error could be obtained at the wavelength where the difference between absorbances of olive oil and adulterated oil was the largest. A VIS/NIR spectrum acquisition system was assembled to validate the adulteration proportions of corn oil, peanut oil and soybean oil adulterated in olive oil. The results showed that the relative errors between calculation values and actual adulteration proportion values were less than 5% for adulteration proportions above 10%, and correlation coefficients were respectively 0.999 2, 0.999 6 and 0.999 7 with root-mean-square errors of 0.008 2, 0.005 9 and 0.005 1, which proved that the method of calculating adulteration proportions of adulterating other oils in olive oil was correct based on the linear absorbance mixing model.
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