Correlation between polar components and oxidized triglycerides polymers or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in three kinds of oils during frying
中文关键词:  煎炸油  质量安全  极性组分  甘油三酯聚合物  多环芳烃  相关性
英文关键词:frying oil  quality safety  polar component  triglycerides polymers  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  correlation
Author NameAffiliation
AN Kejing, LIU Yulan1, MA Yuxiang,etc  
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      以花生油、菜籽油和葵花籽油的连续煎炸油条的试验为例,对煎炸过程极性组分(PC)、甘油三酯聚合物(TGP)及多环芳烃(PAHs)形成及相关性进行研究。结果表明:3种油脂中PC、TGP及PAHs含量均随煎炸时间的延长而增加;经过32 h的煎炸,花生油中PC、TGP与PAH16含量分别从未煎炸时的3.34%、0.43%、169.88 μg/kg增至29.00%、16.92%、282.66 μg/kg,菜籽油中PC、TGP与PAH16含量分别从4.02%、0.51%、18.85 μg/kg增至25.80%、15.55%、42.92 μg/kg,葵花籽油中PC、TGP与PAH16含量分别从2.43%、0.42%、21.49 μg/kg增至34.19%、24.76%、51.95 μg/kg;煎炸过程菜籽油PC增幅最小,至32 h煎炸结束,PC含量未超出国标限量(≤27%);煎炸过程中PC与TGP、PC与PAH4含量间均呈显著的正相关,根据相关性方程可以通过PC含量对煎炸油中TGP与PAH4含量进行预测。综合考虑煎炸在用油的安全性,除根据国标对PC含量进行检测和控制之外,还应关注TGP及PAHs在煎炸过程的变化情况。
      Dough sticks were fried continuously using peanut oil, rapeseed oil and sunflower seed oil, and then the formation and correlation between polar components (PC) and oxidized triglycerides polymers (TGP) or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fried oils were studied. The results showed that the contents of PC, TGP and PAHs increased with frying time prolonging. In the process of 32 h frying experiment, the contents of PC, TGP and PAH16 in peanut oil increased from 3.34%, 0.43% and 16988 μg/kg to 29.00%, 16.92% and 282.66 μg/kg, respectively. The contents of PC, TGP and PAH16 in rapeseed oil increased from 4.02%, 0.51% and 18.85 μg/kg to 25.80%, 15.55% and 4292 μg/kg, respectively. The contents of PC, TGP and PAH16 in sunflower seed oil increased from 2.43%, 0.42% and 21.49 μg/kg to 34.19%, 24.76% and 51.95 μg/kg, respectively. Comparatively, after frying for 32 h, rapeseed oil had the lowest growth rate of PC content among these three kinds of oils and within the limited quantity of national standard (≤27%). Besides, PC content was significantly and positively correlated with the contents of TGP and PAH4 during frying. In this case, the contents of TGP and PAH4 could be predicted based on PC content. In all, besides testing and controlling PC content according to national standard, the change of TGP and PAHs in frying oil should also cause great concern to ensure the safety of frying oil comprehensively.
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