Blood lipid-lowering effect of germinated brown rice bran
中文关键词:  发芽糙米米糠  降血脂  总胆固醇  甘油三酯  低密度脂蛋白胆固醇
英文关键词:germinated brown rice bran (GBRB)  blood lipid-lowering effect  total-cholesterol (TC)  triglyceride (TG)  low density lipoprotein-cholesterol(LDL-C)
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WANG Jiayi, PAN Shuxuan, DENG Haiyun,etc  
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      通过研究发芽糙米米糠(GBRB)对高脂膳食大鼠血脂代谢的影响,研究了GBRB的降血脂功效。将50只SD雄性大鼠按体重随机均分为5组,空白对照组饲喂基础饲料,高脂对照组饲喂高脂饲料,高、中、低剂量组分别饲喂添加了30%、20%、10% GBRB的高脂饲料,喂养83 d,结束后,从小鼠股动脉取血,测血清中总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)浓度,并计算体脂率。结果表明:食用GBRB对大鼠的体脂率、生长发育没有明显影响;饲喂GBRB的高、中、低剂量组大鼠血清中TC和LDL-C浓度都显著低于高脂对照组(P<0.05);高剂量组大鼠的TG浓度显著低于高脂对照组(P<0.05),而中、低剂量GBRB没能抑制食用高脂饲料产生的高TG浓度。GBRB的摄入能显著降低食用高脂饲料大鼠的血清TC、TG以及LDL-C水平,显示出GBRB的降血脂功效。
      The blood lipid-lowering effect of germinated brown rice bran (GBRB)was researched by studying the effect of GBRB on blood lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-fed rats. Fifty male SD rats were randomly and averagely divided into five groups. Rats in control group were fed with ordinary feed. Rats in high fat diet group were fed with high-fat feed. Rats in three dose groups were fed with high-fat feed with the addition of 30%, 20% and 10% of GBRB respectively. After feeding for 83 d, femoral artery blood of rats was taken and the concentrations of total-cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C)and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)were tested. In addition, the body fat rate was calculated. The results showed that after taking GBRB, there were no significant effects on body fat rate and normal growth of rats. In high, medium and low dose groups, the concentration of TC and LDL-C were significantly lower than those in high fat diet group (P<0.05). In high dose group, the concentration of TG was significantly lower than that in high fat diet group (P<0.05), though medium and low dose groups had less effect on TG level. GBRB could significantly decrease the contents of TC, TG and LDL-C of high fat diet rats, which indicated that GBRB had a blood lipid-lowering effect.
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