Effects of gardenia oil on exercise capacity of aerobic athletes under anaerobic metabolism
中文关键词:  栀子油  健美操运动员  无氧代谢  运动能力
英文关键词:gardenia oil  aerobic athlete  anaerobic metabolism  exercise capacity
Author NameAffiliation
PAN Wenwen,SONG Zhiliang  
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      采用超临界CO2萃取技术提取栀子油,研究栀子油对健美操运动员无氧代谢下运动能力的影响。将20名健美操运动员随机分为对照组及实验组。实验组每天分早、中、晚3次服用栀子油玉米糖浆复合物,每次2支,5 g/支,其中栀子油含量为2.5 g/支,连续服用60 d,对照组按照同样方法和剂量服用玉米糖浆,5 g/支。结果表明:与对照组相比,实验组健美操运动员运动后心率的恢复速度显著加快(P<0.05);体内血乳酸消除速率显著增加(P<0.05); 1 min无氧代谢运动时输出功率及总功有极显著提高(P<0.01)。此外,实验过程中没有任何不良的反应出现。因此,栀子油可以有效提高健美操运动员无氧代谢的运动能力,并具有一定的安全性。
      The supercritical CO2 extraction technology was used to extract gardenia oil, and the effect of gardenia oil on the exercise capacity of aerobic athletes under anaerobic metabolism was studied. 20 aerobic athletes were randomly divided into control group and experimental group. In the experimental group, gardenia oil corn syrup complex was taken three times in every morning, afternoon and evening, with 2 branches, 5 g per branch, in which the dosage of gardenia oil was 2.5 g per branch and continuous administration for 60 d. The control group took corn syrup according to the same method and dose 5 g per branch. The results showed that compared with the control group, the recovery rate of heart rate in the experimental group significantly increased(P<0.05), the elimination rate of lactate in the body increased significantly(P<0.05), and the output power and total work had very significant increase(P<0.01). In addition, no adverse reaction occurred during the experiment. Therefore, gardenia oil could effectively improve exercise capacity of aerobic athletes, and had some safety.
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