Screening of protease for preparing antioxidant peptide from sesame protein
中文关键词:  芝麻蛋白  抗氧化肽  蛋白酶  逼近理想解排序法
英文关键词:sesame protein  antioxidant peptide  protease  technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution
Author NameAffiliation
LU Xin, JIANG Mengnan, ZHANG Lixia,etc  
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      To select the suitable protease hydrolyzing sesame protein to generate antioxidant peptide, the yields of peptide, degrees of hydrolysis and antioxidant capacities were determined during hydrolyzing sesame protein by Bromelain, Papain, Neutrase, Trypsin, alkaline protease 2709 and Alcalase, then the yield of peptide and antioxidant capacities were analyzed by technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution to ascertain the order of hydrolysate derived from six proteases. The results showed that varieties difference of protease significantly influenced the performance of antioxidant peptide prepared from sesame protein. When the enzyme addition was the same, high degree of hydrolysis and yield of peptide were observed in hydrolyzing sesame protein by alkaline protease 2709, Alcalase and Trypsin, and their hydrolysates showed high antioxidant activity. According to the sum of distance of optimal vector, the suitable protease for preparation of antioxidant peptide from sesame protein from high to low was obtained as follows: alkaline protease 2709, Alcalase, Trypsin, Neutrase, Bromelain and Papain.
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