Rapid analysis of triglyceride composition in vegetable oils by ultra performance convergence chromatography with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
中文关键词:  超高效合相色谱  质谱  甘油三酯  快速分析
英文关键词:ultra performance convergence chromatography  mass spectrometry  triglyceride  rapid analysis
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xinghe, QI Ce, TAO Guanjun,etc  
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      The compositions of triglycerides in eleven kinds of vegetable oils were analyzed by ultra performance convergence chromatography with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPC2-Q-TOF-MS). Among these vegetable oils, O-L-L contents were the highest in sunflower seed oil (22.27%±1.87%), rapeseed oil (21.07%±1.76%), corn oil (19.84%±1.35%), rice bran oil (19.37%±0.87%) and sesame oil (17.55%±0.82%), while O-O-O content was the highest in peanut oil (18.25%±0.69%) and olive oil (39.37%±0.10%). The triglyceride with the highest content in soybean oil, linseed oil, rice oil and palm oil were L-L-L (22.16%±1.71%), O-Ln-Ln(21.85%±0.18%), O-L-P (18.58%±1.02%) and O-P-P (25.05%±0.73%), respectively. Triglycerides with the same ECN value, such as O-O-L and S-L-L, were isolated. The contents of trace triglyceride were also identified.
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