Physicochemical properties of Zanthoxylum armatum seed shell protein and kernel protein
中文关键词:  花椒籽  Osborne分级提取  理化性质  清蛋白  球蛋白  谷蛋白  醇溶蛋白
英文关键词:Zanthoxylum armatum seed  Osborne fractional extraction  physicochemical property  albumin  globulin  gluten  gliadin
Author NameAffiliation
WEN Qiuping, LI Chao, XU Danping,etc  
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      以花椒籽为原料,主要研究花椒籽仁与籽壳脱脂后的基本化学成分、蛋白等电点、氨基酸组成、亚基组成以及蛋白组分等理化性质的差异。结果显示,脱脂后的花椒籽仁和籽壳中蛋白质含量分别为61.17%、8.54%,其蛋白等电点分别为3.5、4.5。花椒籽仁脱脂粉的氨基酸总量为43 g/100 g,必需氨基酸占总量的27.31%,籽壳脱脂粉的氨基酸总量为4.07 g/100 g,必需氨基酸占总量的2678%,两者主要的氨基酸为天冬氨酸、谷氨酸和精氨酸。采用Osborne法对蛋白分类,花椒籽仁中清蛋白、球蛋白、谷蛋白、醇溶蛋白的含量分别为7.76%、72.06%、15.80%、1.22%,籽壳中相对应的蛋白含量分别为13.12%、56.54%、21.45%、3.25%。SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明:花椒籽仁粗蛋白有7个条带,相对分子质量在0~66.200 kDa之间,籽壳粗蛋白有2个条带,相对分子质量在18400~35.000 kDa之间;花椒籽仁4种蛋白组分相对分子质量较小,亚基相对分子质量分布在0~45 kDa之间,花椒籽壳4种蛋白组分分布范围较小,亚基相对分子质量分布在14.4 ~35 kDa之间。
      Taking Zanthoxylum armatum seed as the material, the physicochemical properties including the basic chemical composition, protein isoelectric point, amino acid composition, subunit composition and protein component of the defatted Zanthoxylum armatum seed shell and kernel were mainly studied. The results showed that the protein contents of the defatted Zanthoxylum armatum seed shell and kernel were 61.17% and 854%, and the protein isoelectric points were 3.5 and 4.5, respectively. The total amino acid content of the defatted seed kernel powder was 43 g/100 g, and its essential amino acid accounted for 2731% of the total amount. The total amino acid content of the defatted seed shell powder was 4.07 g/100 g, and its essential amino acid accounted for 26.78% of the total amount. The main amino acids of the defatted seed shell and kernel were aspartic acid, glutamic acid and arginine. The protein was classified by Osborne method, and the contents of albumin, globulin, gluten and gliadin in defatted seed kernel were 776%, 72.06%, 15.80% and 1.22%, respectively. The corresponding protein contents in defatted seed shell were 13.12%, 56.54%, 21.45% and 3.25%, respectively. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that there were seven bands of crude protein in defatted seed kernel, and the relative molecular weight ranged from 0 to 66.200 kDa; the crude protein in defatted seed shell had two bands, and the relative molecular weight was 18400-35.000 kDa. The relative molecular weights of four protein components in seed kernel were small, and the relative molecular weight distribution of their subunits was 0-45 kDa. The distribution of the four protein components of the defatted seed shell was small, and the relative molecular weight distribution of their subunits was 14.4-35 kDa.
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