Advance in screening and scale cultivation of oil-producing microalgae
中文关键词:  微藻  生物柴油  规模化培养  培养方式  光生物反应器
英文关键词:microalgae  biodiesel  large-scale cultivation  cultivation method  photobioreactor
Author NameAffiliation
LI Qiuling, LI Zhi, ZHANG Qinghua,etc  
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      Diminishing supplies of fossil energy, the production of energy sources from renewable materials became one of the important ways to solve the energy issues. Among of them, the production of biodiesel by oil-producing microalgae had regained much attention in the field of biomass energy. The development process of microalgae biodiesel at home and abroad and the breeding conditions of algae species in large-scale cultivation were introduced. Furthermore, the key technologies and the main problems in large-scale cultivation of algae species were investigated. The development trend and challenges were also reviewed.
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