Effect of lard and monoglyceride contents on properties of rapeseed oil oleogel
中文关键词:  猪油  菜籽油  单甘酯  凝胶油
英文关键词:lard  rapeseed oil  monoglyceride  oleogel
Author NameAffiliation
DING Zemin LIU Yugang XIA Huiping XIAO Qian ZENG Chaoxi 1.School of Food Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128,China
2. Hunan Engineering Technology Research Center for Rapeseed Oil Nutrition Health and Deep Development, Changsha 410128,China 
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      考察了将猪油与菜籽油按一定比例混合,并以单甘酯为凝胶剂形成的混合凝胶油的性质,探讨猪油和菜籽油质量比及单甘酯含量对混合凝胶油性质的影响,以制备出低饱和脂肪酸、能够更好地部分替代猪油的菜籽油混合凝胶油。测定了混合凝胶油的流变性质、质构性质、固体脂肪含量以及热力学性质。结果表明,当猪油和菜籽油质量比为5∶ 5,加入8%的单甘酯时,混合凝胶油与菜籽油凝胶油相比凝胶性质更好,在常温下固体脂肪含量更接近猪油。
      The properties of mixed oleogel prepared by mixing lard and rapeseed oil in a certain proportion and with monoglyceride as gelling agent were investigated. The effects of different mass ratio of lard to rapeseed oil and content of monoglyceride on the properties of mixed oleogel were discussed to prepare rapeseed oil mixed oleogel with low saturated fatty acids and could better partially replace lard. The rheological properties, textural properties, solid fat content and thermodynamic properties of the mixed oleogel were determined. The results showed that when the mass ratio of lard to rapeseed oil was 5∶ 5 and 8% of monoglyceride was added, the gel property of mixed oleogel was better than that of rapeseed oil oleogel, and the solid fat content was closer to lard at room temperature.
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