Glyceride composition and 3-MCPD ester and GEs contents of different edible vegetable oil products
中文关键词:  食用植物油  甘油酯组成  甘二酯  甘一酯  3-氯丙醇酯  缩水甘油酯
英文关键词:edible vegetable oil  glyceride composition  diacylglycerol  monoglyceride  3-chloropropanol ester  glycidyl ester
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Jiafeng College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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      采集成品食用植物油样品53个,对其甘油酯组成、3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPD酯)和缩水甘油酯(GEs)含量进行检测,分析食用植物油产品的甘油酯组成与3-MCPD酯、GEs含量相关性。结果表明:所检油样中甘三酯含量为81.26%~99.11%,甘二酯含量为0.79%~13.94%,甘一酯含量为ND~4.84%,甘三酯含量不足95%的样品数占52.8%,不同品种油脂及同品种不同油脂样品的甘油酯组成均呈现较大差异;3-MCPD酯检出率为86.79%,含量为0.19~14.68 mg/kg;GEs检出率为100%,含量为0.16~19.20 mg/kg;对照欧盟限量指标,GEs含量小于等于1 mg/kg的样品占20.75%,3-MCPD酯含量小于等于1.25 mg/kg的样品占64.15%;棕榈油和稻米油中3-MCPD酯和GEs含量远高于其他油脂品种,这两种油脂中甘二酯和甘一酯含量也最高;大豆油中3-MCPD酯和GEs含量较低,甘二酯和甘一酯含量也较低;其他油脂中3-MCPD酯和GEs含量与甘二酯和甘一酯含量之间并未显示出明确的相关性。
      53 edible vegetable oil samples were collected, the glyceride composition and the contents of 3-MCPD ester and GEs were tested, and the correlation of glyceride composition and contents of 3-MCPD ester and GEs of edible vegetable oil products were analyzed. The results showed that the triglyceride content in the oil samples examined was 81.26%-99.11%, the diacylgly cerol content was 0.79%-13.94%, the monoglyceride content was ND-4.84%, and the number of samples with the triglyceride content less than 95% accounted for 52.8%, and the composition of glycerides of different kinds of oils and different oils of the same kind showed great differences. The detection rate of 3-MCPD ester was 8679%, and the detection content range was 019-14.68 mg/kg; the detection rate of GEs was 100%, and the detection range was 0.16-19.20 mg/kg; according to the limited amount index of EU, the number of oil samples with GEs content not higher than 1 mg/kg accounted for 20.75%, the number of samples with 3-MCPD ester content not higher than 1.25 mg/kg accounted for 64.15%. The contents of 3-MCPD ester and GEs in palm oil and rice oil were far higher than that in other oils, and the corresponding monoglyceride and diacylglycerol contents in these two oils were also the highest; the contents of 3-MCPD ester and GEs in soybean oil were lower, and the monoglyceride and diacylglycerol contents were also lower.However, the content of 3-MCPD esters and GEs in other oils did not show a clear correlation with the content of monoglyceride and diacylglycerol.
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