Changes in production and trade patterns of global oilseeds andvegetable oils under the background of trade disputes
中文关键词:  贸易争端  油料生产  植物油生产  油料贸易  植物油贸易
英文关键词:trade disputes  oilseeds production  vegetable oils production  oilseeds trade  vegetable oils trade
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yonggang 1.School of Management Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450046, China
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      With the restart of Sino-US trade conflicts since May 2019, the global oilseeds and vegetable oils production and trade patterns have also ushered in new changes. On the basis of summarizing and analyzing the production and trade characteristics of global oilseeds and vegetable oils, the impact of Sino-US trade disputes on the production and trade patterns of global oilseeds and vegetable oils was discussed. The main conclusions were obtained as follows: the production and export pattern of relative monopoly of global oilseeds and vegetable oils would not change in the medium and long term; the relatively scattered global oilseeds and vegetable oils import market had many variables; in the short term, there would be country substitutions in the United States, Brazil, Argentina and other countries, as well as substitution variety of soybean, soybean oil and palm oil; China would still maintain the basic situation of large amount of imported oilseeds and a small amount of imported vegetable oil.
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