Effect of ventilation on the damage of imported soybean
中文关键词:  进口大豆  通风  货损  储存  水分
英文关键词:imported soybean  ventilation  cargo damage  storage  moisture
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Hongchao Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 
Hits: 632
Download times: 263
      In addition to moisture and temperature, which are important reasons of damage to imported soybean, the ventilation of ships hold is also a focus of debate during maritime transportation. The ships hold structure for soybean transportation was simulated, and the effect of ventilation on the damage of imported soybean was studied by comparing the continuous ventilation storage with the non-ventilation storage. The results showed that the soybean with moisture content of 9.9% would not mildew during storage whether ventilation or not; soybean with moisture content of 14%-16% would mildew rapidly in a short time even if the ventilation was uninterrupted during the storage, and the rate and degree of mildew of soybean was the same as that of storage without ventilation. Therefore, it was considered that there was no direct relationship between ventilation and damage of soybean.
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