Effects of different sources of soybean on solvent extraction of oil and products quality
中文关键词:  大豆  来源  热损  霉变  赤变  加工过程  产品  贬值
英文关键词:soybean  source  heat damage  mildew  red change  processing  product  devaluation
Author NameAffiliation
ZUO Qing .Jiangsu FAMSUN Oils & Fats Engineering Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225127,Jiangsu, China 
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Download times: 350
      Chinas imported soybeans are mainly from the United States, Brazil and Argentina. Due to the differences in protein content and oil content of soybeans, soybean meals with high, medium and low protein contents are mainly produced according to the protein content of soybean in the pretreatment and leaching process, so the qualities of soybean oil and soybean meal produced are different. Due to different storage, environment, climate and transportation conditions, the structure of soybean has changed, resulting in various damages, especially for the soybean with high heat loss rate, the processing capacity decreases and the steam, solvent and power consumptions increase during the processing, while the soybean with high damage rate has low protein solubility, which can only produce low protein soybean meal, and the soybean meal devalues by 3%-5%. The acid value and phosphorus content in crude oil are high, so crude oil is depreciated by 1%-2%. The content of lecithin, the by-product, is too low to produce food grade powdered phospholipid and the phospholipid concentrate devalues by 4%-6%.
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