Progress and perspective on enzymatic deacidification
中文关键词:  油脂  酶法脱酸  脂肪酶  偏甘油酯脂肪酶  固定化  定向进化
英文关键词:oil  enzymatic deacidification  lipase  partial glyceride lipase  immobilization  directed evolution
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Chunyang, School of Food and Biological Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
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      :Enzymatic deacidification has the advantages of mild reaction condition, high catalytic specificity and environmental friendliness, and it has been considered as the main development direction in the field of oil deacidification in the future. In this review, firstly, the research progress on enzymatic deacidification in the past three decades was meticulously summarized, especially focused on the novel enzymatic deacidification technologies and the application of novel lipases and novel enzyme preparations in oil deacidification. Meanwhile, the bottleneck problem restricting the industrial application of enzymatic deacidification was described, and a feasible strategy was proposed. Finally, the development trends of enzymatic deacidification of oil were prospected.
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