油莎豆油的高温煎炸稳定性 |
High temperature frying stability of Cyperus esculentus oil |
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中文关键词: 油莎豆油 高温煎炸 稳定性 |
英文关键词:Cyperus esculentus oil high temperature frying stability |
基金项目:吉林省科技发展计划项目(20200502003NC);长春大学科研启动项目(2019JBD26L28);长春大学科研培育项目(2019JBC26L37) |
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中文摘要: |
以油莎豆油为研究对象,以大豆油为对照,选择过氧化值、p-茴香胺值、共轭二烯含量、共轭三烯含量为评价指标,考察高温煎炸条件下油莎豆油的稳定性,同时通过傅里叶变换红外光谱表征高温煎炸后油莎豆油结构的变化。结果表明:通过比较煎炸次数与过氧化值的关系,油莎豆油的煎炸稳定性略优于大豆油;两种油脂的p-茴香胺值均随煎炸次数增加而增大,大豆油的p-茴香胺值高于油莎豆油,大豆油与油莎豆油的p-茴香胺值与煎炸次数呈明显的相关性,相关系数分别为0982 8和0.988 2;随煎炸次数增加,大豆油中共轭二烯、共轭三烯含量均高于油莎豆油,因此油莎豆油的煎炸稳定性高于大豆油。红外光谱结果表明高温煎炸破坏了两种油脂的不饱和脂肪酸结构。 |
英文摘要: |
The stability of Cyperus esculentus oil under high temperature frying was investigated by using soybean oil as the control, peroxide value, p-anisidine value, conjugated diene content and conjugated triene content as the evaluation indexes. The structure change of oil was also characterized by FTIR. The results showed that by comparing the relationship between the frying times and peroxide value, the frying stability of Cyperus esculentus oil was slightly better than that of soybean oil. The p-anisidine value of two kinds of oil increased with the increase of frying times, and the p-anisidine value of soybean oil was higher than that of Cyperus esculentus oil. The p-anisidine values of soybean oil and Cyperus esculentus oil were significantly correlated with the frying times, and the correlation coefficients were 0.982 8 and 0.988 2, respectively. With the increase of frying times, the contents of conjugated diene and conjugated triene in soybean oil were higher than that in Cyperus esculentus oil, so the frying stability of Cyperus esculentus oil was higher than that of soybean oil. FTIR showed that high temperature destroyed the structure of unsaturated fatty acids in two kinds of oils. |
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