Effect of ball milling treatment on structure of pumpkin seed protein
中文关键词:  南瓜籽蛋白  球磨处理  结构  性质  酶解
英文关键词:pumpkin seed protein  ball milling treatment  structure  property  enzymatic hydrolysis
Author NameAffiliation
LIANG Yingjie1, YANG Chen1, CHEN Zhe2,3, ZHENG Jingcheng1,3, 1.College of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China
2.Wuhan Institute for Food and Cosmetic Control
, Wuhan 430040, China 3.Key Laboratory of Edible Oil Quality and Safety for State Market Regulation, Wuhan 430040, China 
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      为探究球磨处理促进南瓜籽蛋白酶解的机制,以未处理的南瓜籽蛋白为对照,研究球磨处理对南瓜籽蛋白二级、三级结构,溶解性,热力学特性以及微观结构的影响。结果表明:南瓜籽蛋白经不同时间球磨处理后,其结构有所改变;傅里叶变换红外光谱显示,球磨处理造成南瓜籽蛋白二级结构发生变化,球磨处理15 min时,α-螺旋和无规卷曲结构分别由处理前的19.98%和14.28%增加至20.59%和1651%;内源荧光光谱和紫外吸收光谱分析结果表明,球磨处理后的南瓜籽蛋白三级结构变得更加疏散;球磨处理提高了南瓜籽蛋白的溶解度,球磨处理5 min时,溶解度提高了16.92百分点;DSC图谱表明,球磨处理使南瓜籽蛋白的变性温度降低;粒径分布和扫描电镜图显示,球磨处理15 min时,峰顶的粒径从217.3 nm下降至159.8 nm,整体结构被破坏。综上,适度球磨处理可以改变南瓜籽蛋白分子结构,使酶容易与南瓜籽蛋白的酶切位点结合,从而促进酶解。
      In order to explore the mechanism of ball milling treatment to promote the enzymatic hydrolysis of pumpkin seed protein, the effects of ball milling treatment on the secondary and tertiary structures, solubility, thermodynamic properties and microstructure of pumpkin seed protein were studied with untreated pumpkin seed protein as the control. The results showed that the structure of protein changed after ball milling treatment for different time. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that the secondary structure of pumpkin seed protein changed after ball milling treatment. After 15 min of ball milling treatment, the α-helix structure and random coil structure increased from 19.98% and 14.28% to 2059% and 16.51%, respectively. The results of intrinsic fluorescence spectrum and ultraviolet absorption spectrum showed that the tertiary structure of pumpkin seed protein became more evacuated after ball milling treatment. Ball milling treatment improved the solubility of pumpkin seed protein. After 5 min of ball milling treatment, the solubility increased by 1692 percentage point. DSC spectra showed that ball milling treatment reduced the denaturation temperature of pumpkin seed protein. The particle size distribution and scanning electron microscopy showed that when the ball milling treatment time was 15 min, the peak particle size decreased from 217.3 nm to 159.8 nm, and the overall structure was destroyed. In summary, moderate ball milling treatment can change the molecular structure of pumpkin seed protein, and make enzyme easy to combine with the enzyme cleavage site of pumpkin seed protein, thus promoting the enzymatic hydrolysis.
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