Antioxidant effect of selenium combined with hawk tea total flavonoids on oil-tea camellia seed oil
中文关键词:  山茶油  老鹰茶黄酮    抗氧化效果  Schaal烘箱法
英文关键词:oil-tea camellia seed oil  hawk tea total flavonoids  selenium  antioxidant effect  Schaal oven method
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Wei, ZHANG Chengxu, YUAN Qinhan, YANG Tao, MAO Min, ZHANG Chi Hubei Key Laboratory of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, School of Biological Science and Food Engineering, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China 
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      In order to promote the development of natural antioxidants, the peroxide value was used as an indicator, the antioxidant effects on oil-tea camellia seed oil of single selenium antioxidant (selenomethionine, methylselenocysteine, sodium selenite) and hawk tea total flavonoids (HTTF) and their combination were determined by Schaal oven method. The results showed that selenomethionine, methylselenocysteine and sodium selenite all had antioxidant effects on oil-tea camellia seed oil, and the higher the amount added, the better the antioxidant effect. The antioxidant effects of selenomethionine and sodium selenite in combination with HTTF on oil-tea camellia seed oil were better than those of the individual components, whereas the antioxidant effect of methylselenocysteine and HTTF in combination was better than that of HTTF but inferior to those of methylselenocysteine. The antioxidant effects of selenomethionine, methyl selenocysteine, sodium selenite and HTTF on oil-tea camellia seed oil were weaker than those of TBHQ when used alone or in combination. In conclusion, the antioxidant effects of different selenium combined with HTTF on oil-tea camellia seed oil are different.
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