Detoxification process optimization of peanut oil with composite adsorbent
中文关键词:  花生油  吸附剂  复配  苯(a)并芘  黄曲霉毒素B1
英文关键词:peanut oil  adsorbent  compound  BaP  AFB1
Author NameAffiliation
ZUO Zongming1, GAO Pan 1,2,3, YANG Yong3,4, DONG Zhiwen1, ZHONG Wu1,2,3, HU Chuanrong1,2, HE Dongping1,2,3 1.College of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023China 2.Key Laboratory for Deep Processing of Major Grain and Oil of Ministry of Education in China, Wuhan 430023China 3.Key Laboratory of National Market Supervision Bureau(Edible Oil Quality and Safety), Wuhan 430040China 4.Wuhan Institute for Food and Cosmetic Control, Wuhan 430012China 
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      旨在寻找安全、高效、低成本的花生油吸附脱毒工艺,以脱酸花生油为研究对象,通过比较活性炭、活性白土、凹凸棒土、膨润土4种吸附剂对花生油中苯(a)并芘(BaP)和黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)的吸附脱除效果,挑选合适的2种吸附剂进行复配用于花生油的脱毒。以吸油率、过滤速度、BaP含量、AFB1含量、成本为指标,采用单因素试验及正交试验对复配吸附剂脱毒工艺条件进行优化。结果表明:活性炭和膨润土进行复配脱除BaP和AFB1的效果较好;最佳复配吸附剂脱毒工艺条件为活性炭和膨润土复配比例1∶ 5(质量比)、吸附剂添加量2.0%(以脱酸花生油质量计)、反应时间20 min、反应温度90 ℃,在此条件下复配吸附剂的吸油率为39.47%,过滤速度为2.08 mL/min,BaP含量从32.11 μg/kg降至0.15 μg/kg,AFB1含量从19.45 μg/kg降至0.12 μg/kg,吸附剂成本低至4.41 元/t。优化的工艺符合花生油工业化生产低风险、低成本和高效率的目标。
      In order to find a safe, efficient and low-cost adsorption detoxification process of peanut oil,taking deacidified peanut oil as the research object, by comparing the influence of four kinds of adsorbents, namely activated carbon, activated clay, attapulgite and bentonite, on the removal rate of benzo (a)pyrene (BaP) and aflatoxin B1(AFB1) in peanut oil, two adsorbents were selected and compounded,and used in peanut oil detoxification.With oil absorption rate, filtration rate, BaP content, AFB1 content and cost as indexes,single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were used to optimize the detoxification process conditions with composite adsorbent. The results showed that the combination of activated carbon and bentonite had a good detoxification effect. The optimal detoxification process conditions with composite adsorbent were as follows: mass ratio of activated carbon to bentonite 1∶ 5, adsorbents addition 2.0% of deacidified peanut oil mass, reaction time 20 min, and reaction temperature 90 ℃. Under these conditions, the oil absorption rate of the composite adsorbent was 39.47%, the filtration rate was 2.08 mL/min, and the BaP content decreased from 32.11 μg/kg to 0.15 μg/kg, AFB1 content decreased from 19.45 μg/kg to 0.12 μg/kg, the adsorbent cost was as low as 4.41 yuan/t. The process optimized can meet the industrial production of peanut oil with low-risk, low-cost and high efficiency goals.
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