Research progress on extraction and purification methods of phytosterols
中文关键词:  植物甾醇  结构  来源  提取  纯化
英文关键词:phytosterols  structure  source  extraction  purification
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yuanyuan, MA Gaiqin, LI Yuefan, LI Qi, GAO Yuan, YU Xiuzhu Engineering Research Center of Grain and Oil Functionalized Processing in Universities of Shaanxi Province, College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China 
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      In order to improve the extraction efficiency and purity of phytosterols, the structure and source of phytosterols, extraction and purification methods and auxiliary technologies including principle, species, characteristics and applications were summarized and analyzed, and the future research direction was proposed. The phytosterols come from a wide range of sources. Traditional methods of extraction and purification of phytosterols, such as solvent extraction, have some limitations, such as low yield, low purity and environmental impact. The novel extraction and purification methods of phytosterols, such as supercritical CO2 method, have the advantages of simple operation, non-toxic, high product purity, which is an environmentally friendly and efficient extraction method. Auxiliary extraction technologies such as enzyme, microwave, ultrasonic and magnetic field can optimize the extraction and purification process of phytosterols and improve the extraction and purification efficiency. By improving the traditional methods, combining with new methods, optimizing technological parameters and developing new extraction and purification technology in the future, the efficient extraction and purification of phytosterols could be realized.
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