History,current status and future perspective of Oils and Fats Museum of China
中文关键词:  中国油脂博物馆  创建历程  运营现状  展望
英文关键词:Oils and Fats Museum of China  foundation history  operation status  perspective
Author NameAffiliation
HE Kefang1, TIAN Liu1,WANG Liying2 1.School of Management, Wuhan Polytechnic UniversityWuhan 430023, China
2.College of Food Science and Technology, Wuhan Polytechnic UniversityWuhan 430023, China 
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      Professional S&T museums play an increasingly more important role, with the encouragement of high-level technological independence and integrated development of technological innovation and popular science education. Since the foundation of Oils and Fats Museum of China, it has three stages of preparation, exhibition and operation, embodying the "best ten things" in the oils and fats industry in China. In recent years, Wuhan Polytechnic University has carefully organized the operation of Oils and Fats Museum of China around the establishment of oils and fats culture exhibition base, oils and fats technical personnel education and training base, oils and fats technology research and development and innovation achievements exhibition base and oils and fats international exchange and cooperation base. In the future, Oils and Fats Museum of China is planning to enable diverse participants, divide itself into several parks, modularize several functions, make its popular science professional and seek international cooperation.
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