1979—2019年中国5种主要油料作物的 时空分布变化
Temporal and spatial changes of five major oil crops in China from 1979 to 2019
中文关键词:  油料作物  时空分布变化  花生  油菜籽  葵花籽  芝麻  胡麻籽
英文关键词:oil crops  temporal and spatial changes  peanut  rapeseed  sunflower seed  sesame  flaxseed
Author NameAffiliation
LI Zhongfeng, ZHAO Kai, GONG Fangping, ZHANG Xingguo, MA Xingli, REN Rui, QIU Ding, ZHANG Lin, YIN Dongmei LI Zhongfeng, ZHAO Kai, GONG Fangping, ZHANG Xingguo, MA Xingli, REN Rui, QIU Ding, ZHANG Lin, YIN Dongmei 
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      旨在为挖掘油料作物增产潜力、提升油料产能、保障国内食用植物油供给安全等政策制定提供参考,通过集中度和比较优势分析,研究了1979—2019年我国5种主要油料作物(花生、油菜、向日葵、芝麻和胡麻)的时空分布变化。结果显示:1979—2019年花生种植集中度呈减小趋势,油菜和胡麻集中度升高,向日葵和芝麻集中度则先降低后升高;2019年河南、山东、广东、辽宁、河北 5省花生综合优势指数大于1,其中河南为我国花生第一生产大省,综合优势指数从0.80增加至1.93;湖南、四川、湖北、贵州、安徽5省具有稳定的油菜生产综合优势,2019年川渝地区(四川和重庆)、湖北、湖南油菜籽产量居前三位;1979—2019年内蒙古和新疆向日葵综合优势指数分别为214~3.38和1.64~3.06,且在2019年它们分别是我国葵花籽生产第一、第二大主产地;河南、湖北两省一直是我国芝麻生产核心区域,综合优势指数分别为1.50~2.13和2.17~2.39;甘肃、宁夏、山西、内蒙古具有胡麻生产综合优势,2019年甘肃、内蒙古和宁夏胡麻籽产量居前三位。综上,当前河南、川渝地区、内蒙古、甘肃分别是我国花生(和芝麻)、油菜籽、葵花籽、胡麻籽等核心油料生产区域。
      To provide reference for exploring the potential for increasing oil crops yield, improving oil production, and ensuring the safety of domestic food and vegetable oil supply, the temporal and spatial changes of five major oil crops (peanut, rape, sunflower, sesame and flax) from 1979 to 2019 were studied through analysis of distribution concentration and comparative advantage. The results showed that from 1979 to 2019, the distribution concentration had a decreasing trend in peanut production, but an increase trend in rape and flax, while for sunflower and sesame the distribution concentration firstly decreased and then increased. In 2019, the comprehensive advantage indexes of peanut in Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Liaoning, Hebei exceeded 1. Among them, Henan Province was the first producer of peanut in China, with the gradually increasing comprehensive advantage indexes from 0.80 to 193. Hunan, Sichuan, Hubei, Guizhou and Anhui had stable comprehensive advantages in rape production, and of them the Sichuan-Chongqing region, Hubei and Hunan ranked in the top three in rapeseed production. In 1979-2019, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang displayed the comprehensive advantage in sunflower production with the index of 2.14-3.38 and 1.64-3.06, respectively. In 2019, they were the first and the second major sunflower seed production regions. Henan and Hubei were the two core regions of sesame production in China, with comprehensive advantage indexes ranging from 1.50 to 2.13 and 2.17 to 239, respectively. Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia showed comprehensive advantages in flax production, among which Gansu, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia ranked in the top three in flaxseed production in 2019. In summary, Henan, Sichuan-Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, and Gansu are currently the core oilseed production areas for peanut (and sesame seed), rapeseed, sunflower seed and flaxseed, respectively in China.
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